Yom Kippur Greeting cards

Beautiful and special greeting cards for Yom Kippur of helpful fasting, a good signing finale and also of forgiveness for Yom Kippur and for ordinary days (it is always a good time to apologize if necessary). The most popular blessings for Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement is: "Gmar Chatima Tova", which means literally: A good final sealing, and idiomatically: May you be inscribed (in the Book of Life) for Good. It's also common to bless with "May you have an easy and meaningful fast", because it's important that the fast will be helpful and with internal meaning and not just easy. 

Here you can find greeting cards for Yom Kippur you can share and send to other people. Gmar Chatima Tova and have a blessed good year.
Yom Kippur Greeting cardsYom Kippur Greeting cards
Yom Kippur Greeting cardsYom Kippur Greeting cards

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