International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation- February 6

February 6 has been declared by the UN today as zero tolerance for female  Genital Mutilation.
Female  Genital Mutilation is a cruel practice committed primarily against minors aged 3-13, which involves all procedures involving partial or complete removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genitalia for non-medical reasons, and is recognized worldwide as a violation of the human rights of girls and women.
Female  Genital Mutilation is very common especially in Northeast African countries, the Horn of Africa and West Africa. The custom also exists among the Bedouin and Kurds in the Middle East (except in Israel). Thousands of women go through the process every day, even today.


The custom is almost non-existent in Muslim countries in the rest of the Middle East and Central Asia.
Female circumcision is a cruel way of reflecting the inequality that is rooted between the sexes and is an extreme form of discrimination against women. Female circumcision not only destroys women's lives by infringing on their physical integrity and right to sexual pleasure, but also endangers their lives. The surgeries are apparently performed without medical supervision and often, with contaminated knives, leading to the deaths of many as a result of the surgery.
The practice of female circumcision has been going on for more than a thousand years, but the World Health Organization and UNICEF are working to eradicate it completely from the world. One of their major achievements was its outlawing in Egypt and Eritrea, but it seems the road is still long.
Although it seems to be done only in Third World countries, it turns out that even in Europe Muslims practice their daughters in secret. In East London, in 2010, young Muslim girls undergo the painful surgery at the initiative of their mothers Link to the article.


February 6 is also Frozen Yogurt Day

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