Anti-bullying day - May 4th

Every day is a good day to say no to bullying, but May 4th is the special day for it. Bullying against the weak exists everywhere. In school towards children, at work and also on the internet.
Bullying is when someone thinks he is strong, we will take care of someone who allows it, for pleasure or attention. The thugs harass those who are perceived as weak to get sympathy or simply out of evil and sadism.

Bullying is especially common in adolescence, where teens want to acquire high social status and popularity, so they do it at the expense of those who are weaker than them, usually it is a different wash from others.
The day of stopping bullying is a day to pay attention to the phenomenon of bullying in your environment. The day has been set by the UN, but it is celebrated on different dates in different countries in the world. There are places that mark the dayas Pink Shirt Day against bullying on one of the Fridays in February, but the idea is still the same.

If you suffer from bullying, today is the day to stand up for yourself and fight back or call for help. If someone around you is suffering from bullying, today is to stand by his side and help him.
First of all because we have to be human. Bullying hurts and scars remain for life. Unfortunately, there have also been cases where victims of bullying have ended their lives.
One more thing - do not forget that the "nerd" child who is being abused today can be your boss in a few years.

May 4th is also Star Wars Day and Firefighters' Day 

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