Ketchup Day - June 5th

 Some like it very much and some less. There are those who add it to everything, including noodles, rice, omelet and more ... some are criticized for overuse. Some people eat it only with chips.
No matter how much you like it, ketchup is the most popular sauce in the Western world. In 200 countries around the world, about 650 million bottles of Heinz ketchup alone are sold each year.
June 5 is Ketchup Day. We have not yet discovered why this date is set for Ketchup day but we are searching.

The history of ketchup
The first documented recipe for ketchup comes from China from 544 AD. The sailors called the sauce based on the fish ke-tchup and it was made from the "gut, stomach and bladder of the yellow fish, shark and mullet" that incubated for 20 days under sunlight in summer until they were ready to eat, 50 days in spring or autumn and 100 days in winter.
In the early 1700s the Chinese sauce came to Malaysia, where it was discovered by English explorers who were there. By 1740 it had already become a major ingredient in English cuisine.
At first there were no tomatoes in this sauce at all. The British who tried to replicate the sauce at home encountered an obstacle: in the Asian version soybeans had major ingredients and they were not grown in Europe. So instead of soy, European chefs tried to add oysters, nuts and mushrooms.
It was not until 1801 that Sandy Edison added the tomatoes to the sauce ingredients and wrote the recipe in the American cookbook "Sugar house book".

More people then published recipes for ketchup, and as the years went by, ketchup gained great popularity in American cuisine which was an avid tomato lover.
At first it was the farmers who grew tomatoes that sold the ketchup.
In 1837 American Jonas Yerkes began to produce and sell at a national level ketchup sauce in a bottle and followed, in 1876 the Heinz company began to produce and sell its own ketchup whose sales slogan was: "Blessed relief for Mother and the other women in the household!"
In the early days of America, there was very little concern for food safety. Unfortunately it was not uncommon for dishonest shop owners to sell meat and other foods that were neither fresh nor safe to eat to their customers. To cover up the bad taste and smell, most store owners added ketchup. This thick sauce sourced from Chinese pickled fish sauce was used to eliminate the bad taste more than anything else. There was no standard for this spice, it could be made of anything, with a variety of ingredients.
In 1876, the F. & J. Heinz Company began selling "tomato ketchup," which became a big hit. Then more companies started selling ketchup, only instead of using fresh tomatoes like Heinz, they used inferior products to lower costs.
Mr. Heinz sent his son to Washington, D.C.: His mission was to persuade the lobby in Congress to adopt strict standards to ensure the American people received healthy and safe food at the family dinner table.
Heinz's efforts led to the development of what is now known as the FDA (Federal Food and Drug Administration).

How to celebrate Ketchup Day?
Are you one of those people who likes to add ketchup to anything or do you avoid it altogether? Tell us in the comments to what you usually add ketchup. In honor of Ketchup Day you can add to what you eat ketchup and find out if it is appropriate. You can make ketchup by yourself. You can make edible artwork with ketchup and upload to social media with the hashtag #ketchupday


Happy Ketchup day

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