Super Monsters for Coloring - High quality and unique coloring pages of the animated series Super Monsters. The series tells about the super monsters that have a dual identity - by day they are ordinary children and at night they are monsters. As the sun sets, the children become monsters who study at the Pitchfork Pines Preschool. At school, they learn how to control their super powers and skills. The characters in the series are: Drac, a 4-year-old vampire who can fly, Cleo, 4-year-old mummy who can create sandstorms and tornadoes, Lobo who is a 3-year-old wolf-man with the ability to speed, Katia who is a 4-year-old young witch who sometimes has trouble speaking, Zoe who is a 4-year-old zombie Who can pass through walls and objects, Frankie who is the son of the 4-year-old superpower Frankstein, Spike who is a 3-year-old dragon, and Vida who is a skeleton decorated by her father and her mother's wolf, is 3 years old and can grow plants. She is also Lobo's cousin. Charlie who is a 4-year-old centaur, the son of the guard Ben and Melusine the Flying Mermaid.
Printable coloring pages for kids and adults, worksheets for kindergarten kids, preschoolers and low grades on many different topics, games and exercises on many subjects, mandalas, hobbies, gifts, greeting cards, animations and glitters, health and good life tips, beautiful and moving stories and sentences.
Super Monsters coloring pages
The series is an American-Canadian children's animated television series that premiered on Netflix. Here you have coloring pages of all Super Monsters characters. Printable coloring sheets for free you can come back o print and color again and again.
Choose the coloring page of Super Monsters you want to paint, print and paint for your enjoyment. To print the page you would like to color, click on page and then click Ctrl+P. Have fun!
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