Showing posts with label GIVING TUESDAY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GIVING TUESDAY. Show all posts

Giving Tuesday- Tuesday after Thanksgiving

International Giving Tuesday, known in English as Giving Tuesday, falls on the Tuesday following American Thanksgiving. This day is meant to remind people that the holidays mean more than shopping, and that after the big shopping days (Chinese Singles Day, Black Friday and Cyber Monday), it's time to give back.
Giving Tuesday was created by two organizations: "92nd Street Y" and "The United Nations Foundation" in 2012, a month before Thanksgiving that year. Their intention was to dedicate a day to philanthropic deeds, and to celebrate the generosity that is a blessed American tradition.


They started the celebrations on social media, and were immediately joined by many partners, companies, organizations and associations such as the United Nations, Cisco, Mashabel, Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans (IAVA), Sony, Aldo, Gropon, UNICEF, Google, Skype, Microsoft and Unilever.
The first announcement about the founding of the day of giving was made through the Mashable website, a technology website. This day is extensively reviewed by the Washington Post, The Huffington Post, ABC News, Deseret News, and the official White House blog. Thus this day gained immense popularity in a short time.
In 2013 more organizations like ebay (which gives one percent of its total revenue from sales this week to today's goals) joined fashion designer Kevin Cole, who also designed bracelets to promote this day and donated 100% of his revenue to Giving Tuesday.
On International Giving Day, it is the practice of individuals, schools, families, businesses and other organizations to give and help as much as possible to others.


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