Showing posts with label Hamantaschen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hamantaschen. Show all posts

Purim​ Coloring Pages

Coloring pages of Purim. Purimis a Jewish holiday which commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman, an Achaemenid Persian Empire official who was planning to kill all the Jews, as recounted in the Book of Esther.

Haman was the royal vizier to King Ahasuerus and he planned to kill all the Jews in the empire. His plans were foiled by Mordecai and Esther, his cousin and adopted daughter who had become Queen of Persia. The day of deliverance became a day of feasting and rejoicing.
Purim is celebrated among Jews by: exchanging gifts of food and drink known as mishloach manot, donating charity to the poor known as mattanot la-evyonim, eating a celebratory meal known as a se'udat Purim, public recitation of the Scroll of Esther, known as kriat ha-megillah, usually in synagogue, reciting additions to the daily prayers and the grace after meals, known as Al HaNissim.
Other customs include wearing masks and costumes, public celebrations and parades (Adloyada), and eating hamantaschen. Men are encouraged to drink wine or any other alcoholic beverage.
Here are the coloring pages of Purim. Choose the drawing of Purim that you want to paint, print and color for your enjoyment. If it failed or you want to paint differently and use other colors, no problem, you can go back and print again.
To print the page you would like to color, click on page and then click Ctrl+P. Have fun!
Esther and Ahasuerus coloring pageHaman, Ahasuerus and Mordechai coloring pageHappy Purim coloring page
Mishloach manot coloring pageEsther, Mordecai and King Ahasuerus coloring page

Purim coloring pageClown coloring pageBoy with Superman costume coloring page
Boy with x-man costume coloring pageSpidergirl costume coloring pageWonderwoman costume coloring sheet
Mask coloring pageMask coloring pageTwo masks- Happy and sad coloring page

"See how the King honours a man he wishes to reward!" Mordechai and HamanHappy Purim coloring pageHappy Purim funny clown

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