Showing posts with label Holidays in the US. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays in the US. Show all posts

Veterans Day in the United States - November 11th

Veterans Day is a holiday celebrated on November 11 each year in all states of the United States, as a day of honor for all war veterans who have served in the United States Army.

Veterans Day is not a day of remembrance, as it pays homage to all those who served in the U.S. Army, the living and the dead.

Veterans Day has become a federal national holiday since 1938. On this day all government non-essential agencies and many schools are closed during the day. Processions and ceremonies are held throughout the country and many businesses honor the veterans.

The national ceremony is held annually at Arlington National Cemetery, where the President speaks in honor of the veterans. Most major cities like New York, San Diego and Dallas have a Veterans Day parade. At many events, such as the church and football games, the veterans are asked to stand and then the audience honors them with applause. Many people wave the US flag on this day to show their patriotism and support for the military. At 11:00 am a minute of silence is observed to remember those who died during their military service. If you meet an army veteran or soldier on Veterans Day, be sure to thank them personally for their service.

The history of Veterans Day

At 11:00 a.m. on November 11, 1918, a temporary peace treaty, or armistice, was signed, and fighting during World War I came to an end. A year later, President Woodrow Wilson announced that November 11 would be called United States Armistice Day. In 1938 the Armistice Day became a national federal holiday. It was a day dedicated to world peace and held in honor of World War I veterans. In 1954 Congress decided to change the day to Veterans Day, because of the desire to honor veterans of all wars including World War II and the Korean War. In 1968 the day was moved to the fourth Monday of November. However, it was later changed to November 11, 1978 by President Gerald Ford.

Interesting facts about Veterans Day

The armistice in World War I was signed at 11 a.m. on the 11th of the 11th month.

In 2010, there were approximately 21.8 million discharged soldiers in the United States. There are about 9 million discharged soldiers over the age of 65. About 1.6 million discharged soldiers are women.

General George S. Patton, the famous World War II general, was born on November 11th.

November 11 is also Singles' Day and Origami Day

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