Showing posts with label back office. Show all posts
Showing posts with label back office. Show all posts

Administrative Professionals Day - The Last Wednesday of April

Where would we be without secretaries and administrative Worker? How would we manage without the administrative staff ticking everything off, handling paperwork, schedules, making phone calls, event organizations and all sorts of other things that happen in the office or organization and we are not always aware that someone very important is behind them. On the last Wednesday of April, the day of the administrative worker is celebrated every year, as a sign of appreciation for the hard work they do throughout the year.

Administrative Professionals Day, or Secretary's Day, is an unofficial holiday in the United States on the Wednesday of the last work week of April designed to show appreciation, respect and support for various administrative staff such as secretarial staff, back office workers, clerks, assistants and administrators, etc. The holiday was invented by a New York journalist in 1952 who wanted to encourage people to develop careers in the field of administration and was celebrated for a week from June 1st to 7th.
Over the years, Administrative Work Week has become one day in April where workplace events take place. The event is celebrated on social evenings, parties or meals take care to give the staff gifts. In the United States, it is customary to give employees flowers, sweets, cheap jewelry, a meal at a restaurant, a day off, etc.

How to celebrate Administrative Professionals Day?
You can celebrate the day of the administrative worker with nice gifts, greeting cards and everything you want, but if you are the boss, you better not forget it!

Administrative Professionals day in the coming years:
April 21, 2021
April 27, 2022
April 26, 2023
April 24, 2024
April 23, 2025

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