Showing posts with label camel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label camel. Show all posts

International Camel Day - June 22

International Camel Day is celebrated on June 22 each year, to raise awareness that camels are very important animals and that they have the right to live a good life and be treated with compassion.
The camel is a mammal also called the "Ship of the desert", and is suitable for desert life. It can be found in the world in the Middle East, Australia and Africa, in desert regions.
Camels are captive animals and adapted to the needs of humans. Humans use them as beasts of burden and labor, and also as a source of milk, meat and wool.

There are two types of camels: the single-humped camel, which is the most common type of camel, and the endangered two-humped camel.

In honor of International Camel Day, get some fascinating and surprising facts about the camel
The camel is able to endure without drinking water for two weeks.
The camels do not store water in their hump! Some people think that the camel can get by for a long time without water available because it carries water in its hump, but the truth is that what is there is only pure fat. This fat is an insulation against the cold heat.
To deal with water deficiency in the body, the camel secretes concentrated urine that contains small amounts of water, so the body does not excrete much water. When the camel reaches a water source he drinks large amounts to make up for the missing water in his body and reach a proper water balance.
When the camel finds water, it can drink up to 160 liters (about 40 gallons) at a time!

The camel adapts to desert life by being active in the morning and in the evening, when the air is cool. In the hot hours of the day he lies in the shade or rests while standing.
camel day June 22

When the camels are scared or nervous they tend to vomit. That's why you should never annoy a camel. He does not spit but vomits food contents from his stomach.
Camels have three sets of eyelids and two rows of lashes to keep sand away from their eyes. When there are sandstorms, they are able to completely close their nostrils.
Camels have thick lips that allow them to eat thorny plants that other animals cannot eat.
The camels can sit comfortably on very hot sand thanks to the thick leather cushions on their chest and knees.

The camels are very strong and can carry up to about  900 pounds for 25 miles a day.
Camel's pregnancy lasts 14 months.
The calves are born completely white and turn brown as they mature.
In Arabic, the word camel has more than 160 synonyms.

World camel day

June 22 is also Onion Rings Day and World Rainforest Day

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