Showing posts with label food carnivors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food carnivors. Show all posts

Independence from Meat Day- 4 July

Independence from Meat Day is a special day celebrated on 4th of July and it's meaning is a day without meat.

More and more people adopt a vegetarian lifestyle these days, both because of the health benefits of reducing or lowering the meat from their diet, and because of the moral and environmental consequences. Even if you are a carnivor and eat meat, a meatless day is your chance to try another kind of kitchen that does not focus on poor animals. If one day a year you won't eat meat, it will not change much for you, but for animals all over the world it will help.

Why July 4th is a meatless day? 
July 4 Independence Day is declared, precisely because on this day it is customary to eat meat on the barbanimals, carnivors, food days, independence day, meat, vegans, vegeterians, ecue throughout the United States celebrating its Independence Day.

There are studies that show that eating meat is unhealthy for us, especially meat grilled on fire.

There are other reasons why not eat meat on July 4th, and in general. It's dangerous for Earth as well. In order to grow the cattle and poultry that are used to eat in huge quantities, there is a need for lots of water and ground areas. In order to clear areas for the animals, they cut trees. The gases emitted by the animals that grow up to eat harm the ozone layer and estimate that this amount is greater than the amount of gas emitted by all the cars together. In short, eating meat harms not only human, but also the environment.

And besides, there's the moral aspect. Through the growth of animals destined for slaughter, ways of slaughter, how animals are transported from place to place, sometimes from abroad on long journeys in crowded ships and other unimaginable horrors.

How to celebrate the Independence from meat day? Very simple. Spend the day with a vegetarian or vegan menu. There are so many things to eat that are not meat. There are falafel and hummus, salads and tahini, fruits and candies in abundance. The possibilities of food that does not include the meat of a dead animal are limitless. So what do you mind trying?

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