Showing posts with label let it go. Show all posts
Showing posts with label let it go. Show all posts

Let it go Day - June 23

Let it go day is a special day designed to make room for us in the soul for positive and pleasant things.
Are you familiar with the regrets, hatreds, resentments we hold and the angers that sit on our hearts and take away our energy from the soul, sometimes for weeks, months and even years?
People from the past, who hurt us intentionally or not, exes who broke our hearts, friends who disappeared from our lives, all kinds of people we have a negative feeling towards.

June 23 is a special day to release all the negative thoughts and feelings, to decide to move on and throw away the past.
You can do it in all sorts of ways: you can go yelling at the sea, you can throw stones at the lake, when each stone symbolizes something negative, you can write a letter and anything that you think will help.
It's true that every day is good to let it go, but if you did not do it and did not think about it, this day is meant to remind you that because in order to build a positive future, you should get rid of the precipitation that pulls you down.

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