Showing posts with label pig. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pig. Show all posts

Bacon Day- December 30

Bacon is a dish originating in the Middle Ages on the European continent. This is salted pork and is also often smoked. It is eaten like a sausage and serves as a staple of traditional English breakfast.

The popular method for making bacon is to grill it with special salt water. There are even special varieties of pigs that are grown to make bacon.

To be honest, I don't eat bacon because I don't eat aminals at all! do you know that pig is a very intelligent and friendly animal? eating a pig is like eating a dog or a cat or any other pet.

So even if it's bacon day- don't eat bacon and let pigs live! and if you really like the taste of a bacon, there are plant based options for bacon that are very good. 


Natural Coconut Bacon Sprinkles

December 30 is also Bicarbonate of Soda Day

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