Showing posts with label solstice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label solstice. Show all posts

Solstice - the shortest day of the year - December 21

December 21 is the shortest day of the year, the day with the fewest hours of light, and the most hours of darkness.
On this day, the winter solstice occurs in the northern hemisphere, the point where the hemisphere is at its maximum distance from the sun.

This process usually takes place on December 21st, which is why it is also called the first day of winter.
As of this day, the days will lengthen until June 21, when the northern hemisphere is at the point closest to the sun, so it is the longest day of the year and is considered the first day of summer.
If you haven’t done so yet, it’s time to change the place of winter and summer clothes in the closet, make sure you have an umbrella on hand, buy boots, check that the vehicle is ready for winter, and curl up in an upside-down blanket as much as possible.

December 21st is also Short Story Day, Crossword Birthday and 

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