Star Wars Day is an informal secular holiday that marks the greatness of George Lucas' Star Wars movie, one of the most watched classic films of all time. The holiday was celebrated by fans of the film. Like many things that started on social media, this holiday has also spread among the film fan population all over the world and is celebrated in many countries.

The reason May 4 was chosen to be Star Wars Day is the pun in the movie "May the Force be with you" that sounds like "May the Fourth be with you".
The first time this day was mentioned was on May 4, 1979, when British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher took office. Thatcher's Conservative Party has published a statement in the London evening news: "May the Fourth Be with You, Maggie. Congratulations".
2011 was the first organized Star Wars Day celebration in Toronto, Canada. Celebrate it at Toronto's Morning Cinema with trivia questionnaires about the movie trilogy, a costume contest where the judges were celebrities, a video contest of the cast, parodies and remixes aired on the big screen and other fun things related to the Star Wars movie. Next year, on May 4, 2012 they celebrated the same way.
In 2013 Disney parks also joined in the celebration and did like Star Wars events and festivals.

May 4 is both an Anti-Bullying Day and Firefighters' day