Showing posts with label tiara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tiara. Show all posts

Tiara Day- May 24

The tiara is a delicate crown suitable for a bride, beauty queen or a costume of a queen and princess.
Tiara Day is a day designed to celebrate the empowerment of women.
Unlike scarves and veils designed to hide a woman's face, the tiara is a delicate crown that emphasizes the beauty of her face. Therefore, it is a symbolic day for the expression of the control and pride of the woman in her life.

On this day women are supposed to go with a tiara on their head, but maybe it will look a little weird if you are not on your way to your wedding, so women, imagine you have it on your head and go with it upright and proud, like a beauty queen!

May 24 is also Brothers Day

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