Go Cook For Your Pets Day- November 1st

We all love our pets, and a day go cook your pets is a day that takes their pampering to new levels.
On this day, as responsible owners who want to justify the loyalty and affection of your pet, you are asked to stop with the regular canned food that you insist on feeding them every day, and instead cook them a culinary delicacy that will tickle their taste buds and make them happy.
Have you ever felt your heart melt when you fry yourself a schnitzel or meatballs, and your pet just stares at you and seems to ask, "Why do you deserve all this delicious food but I have to eat these dry pebbles all the time?" Have you ever felt guilty about eating fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, nuts, grains and plenty of delicious sweets and snacks, while your pet eats the exact same thing every day?
If so, you'll probably love this little holiday: a day go cook for your pet. Cooking for yourself can offer many benefits - it's cheaper than dining in restaurants, not to mention the control it gives you over what you put into your body - it's time to find out how much fun it can be to cook for your pet too! Needless to say, your little friends are sure to get excited too.


History of the day Go cook for your pet
Go Cook for Your Pet day was invented by the people behind the website cookforyourpets.com who thought it was time for pet owners to start paying more attention to their furry friends' diets. Our pets, they believe, deserve a little more love and attention for all the joy they bring to our lives, and it's hard to disagree with them.


How to celebrate the day Go cook for your pet
This special day is about promoting good nutrition among our beloved pets in order to improve their health and standard of living ... and if that is not a respectable reason, then what is? There are lots of recipes to choose from, both from cookforyourpets.com and from many other sites, so basically, the sky is the limit. However, there are some things to keep in mind, as animals are much more sensitive to certain components than humans, and may even be severely harmed by their consumption. So remember:


Do not spoil the food of your pets - you may like black pepper, salt, cumin or oregano, but your pets do not need them, and they may even cause their stomachs to respond poorly.
No need to add sauce- they do not need it.
Do not change your pet's diets overnight. Make the change from one type of food to another gradually so that they can get used to it.
If your pet is suffering from any health condition, consult a veterinarian before feeding on anything new.
Avoid feeding your pets garlic, onions, foods with mold or oils, salt, alcohol, coffee, tea, yeast and chocolate. You should also be careful of milk and dairy products, as they can cause damage to their digestive system.
So go cook and prepare some treats or delicious meals for your pet, to make this special day an international celebration for all pets!

November 1 is also World Vegan Day and  DAy of the Dead

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