Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pets. Show all posts

Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day - April 21st

Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day is a special day dedicated to the breed of dog that many people love to raise as a pet.

What is special about bulldogs is mainly the wrinkled appearance of their face. They have a short, flat face with lots of folded fur and that is what makes them such sweet and popular.

The history of the Bulldogs

The history of the English Bulldog is not so pleasant. Originally the breed was cultivated to help bullfighters in the 15th century for centuries. Hence the name of the Bulldogs - Bull+dog. The bulldog was used as bait for bulls because they thought that stimulating the bulls before slaughter would soften their meat. This practice also became a brutal popular sport in which bulls were bullied in bulldogs until the dogs and / or bulls were severely injured or killed.

In those years, bulldog breeders would encourage their aggression to brutally fight bulls. The average weight of a bulldog would reach 80 pounds so they would be strong and able to overcome a bull. Happily, the use of dogs as bait was outlawed in 1835. Since then, the bulldog's fighting ability has disappeared and they have become comfortable, loyal and gentle dogs. Their average weight today ranges from 50 to 55 pounds.

The modern bulldog is gentle, kind and has a stable temperament. They may be short, but capable of great power and are especially loyal and brave when it comes to their human friends, especially children. They can be great watch dogs. Their muscular and tense appearance can be intimidating and even though they are usually lazy, when provoked they are not afraid to show presence.

In England, the Bulldog accompanies John Bull, a fictional figure who symbolizes the country first painted in 1712.

In the U.S. Bulldogs are ranked fourth as the most popular dog breed. The Bulldog is also a beloved mascot used in sports teams, the U.S. Marine Corps, Yale University and more.

The French Bulldog is a small breed of English Bulldog originally developed in France. Among the theories about the development of the breed there is a belief that in the 19th century, women from England took small bulldogs with them when looking for work in France in weaving. In the places where they settled, the Bulldogs became popular as loyal rat catchers and they began to reproduce. The reason they were smaller is probably a genetic defect that actually appealed to people and caused them to reproduce.

How to celebrate Bulldogs are beautiful day?

On this special day, bulldog beauty pageants take place in many places. Bulldog owners pamper them with their favorite snacks and delicious stews. There are those who buy them cute costumes and toys. Other ways to celebrate Bulldogs are beautiful are to volunteer at a pet shelter, go for a walk with your bulldog in the park, it is advisable to visit a dog corner where he can play with other dogs. The bulldog is considered a relatively lazy dog, so a 15 minute walk will suffice for him. If you take him to the dog park, he will probably prefer to lie down and look at the other dogs. But not bad, he's still going to have fun.

And do not forget - if you have a bulldog, today is the day to take pictures of him and upload to social networks.

April 21 is also Kindergarten Day

Ferret Day - April 2

Ferret Day is celebrated on April 2 with the aim of raising public awareness of the domesticated ferret and the needs it has when adopting it like welfare, care and nutrition. Many people nowadays adopt a ferret as a pet and it is important to know how to treat this lively and intelligent animal responsibly.

The ferret is a subspecies of weasel. Hundreds of years ago, people in Europe domesticated ferrets to capture mice, rats and other rodents. The ferrets were able to enter the burrows thanks to their long and narrow bodies. In medieval Europe the ferret had an important status as a pet and exterminating rodents because the cats were then considered companions of witches and devil workers.

Other family members of the ferret, the weasel family: otter, mink, weasel, badger, marten and grison.

Ferrets have olfactory glands that emit a pungent and unpleasant odor designed to mark territory, court, and deter predators.

The ferret is a distinct carnivore, meaning it eats only animal food. It has highly developed jaws with 28-33 razor sharp teeth.

The average life expectancy of ferrets ranges from 5 to 8 years, although some ferrets have even reached the age of 14 years.

Many people like to raise the ferret as a pet because of their high intelligence. They are very curious creatures and able to do a lot of fun tricks. They can use a litter box like cats and they are also sociable animals that require a lot of attention.

If you are considering adopting a ferret, keep in mind that the proper diet for it is meat only. The ferret eats rats, mice and live chickens. Processed food does not meet its needs. A plant-based diet is also not suitable for him. It is now possible to give ferrets dry food that is specially adapted for ferrets. Care should be taken not to let ferrets devour snacks for dogs, because they may like it, but they have a lot of sugars and too little meat and so they may replete and give up the healthy and essential food for them, and also gain weight and get diabetes for example.

Ferrets are nocturnal creatures by nature, but when they are adopted they adjust their hours of activity to those of the adoptees because they love interaction. Like many predators, they like to play intensely for a short time and then retire for a few hours of sleep. In total, ferrets sleep about 18 hours a day.

The ferrets in culture

In the UK, country fairs and festivals organize ferret racing competitions in which ferrets go through tubes while their owners bet on the animal that will be able to do so the fastest.

In the past, it was customary among coal miners in Yorkshire, England, to compete in a rather unusual sport called ferret-foot (not for the faint of heart) - in this competition ferrets are put in their pants to see how long the competitors can withstand it. The world record lasts five and a half hours!

Ferrets also appeared in well-known works of art. In the famous painting of Leonardo da Vinci, the Lady with an ermine from 1491, many art scholars claim that the lady holds a ferret in her hands. There is also a portrait of Queen Elizabeth I with a ferret as a pet wearing a tiny crown as a collar.

Lady with an Ermine, Leonardo da Vinci, 1481-1491

Why is Ferret Day celebrated on April 2nd?

For decades, U.S. ferret enthusiasts have celebrated National Ferret Day. However, recognition of this day came only in 2014 when Carol Roche of New York who was so enthusiastic about her ferret and the American Ferret Organization took care of it.

How to celebrate Ferret Day?

If you have a ferret, today is the time to take a picture of him and pamper him and upload his photos to social networks with the hashtag #NationalFerretDay. It is today to read and learn about raising ferrets, what is allowed and what is not allowed to do with them so as not to harm their health and well-being. If you do not have a ferret, you can adopt a ferret, just first read what it takes to raise a ferret and how to care for it well.


Love Your Pet Day- February 20

Without judging or criticizing, it happens to each of us sometimes that he takes his pet for granted. Not that we do not love them, but it happens sometimes that because of everyday worries we forget to treat our dog or cat (or hamster, rabbit or parrot) a bit, forget to pet, say kind words, treat them a bit like a nuisance when you have to go out with them in the rain, and not even notice that the plate of food or water is empty.
February 20 is a special day for anyone who has a pet. This is Love Your Pet Day and it is meant to remind us of the existence of the cute and beloved creatures who live with us and love us unconditionally. Many times they have a hard time telling us what is bothering them and what they are missing, but in life they will not leave us and will not betray us even if we do not understand them.
Today is the day to observe love in a pet and appreciate all the love and joy it brings into our lives.
In the Western world many households have at least one pet. The animal can be a dog, cat, bird, horse, donkey, freshwater fish, reptiles and amphibians or any other animal that is raised for pleasure and emotional connection and not for exploitation.

Raising pets has a health benefit - studies have found that raising a pet relieves mental stress and lowers blood pressure. If you know someone who suffers from high blood pressure for example, recommend him as a remedy to raise a dog that will take him for walks outside three times a day.
Did you know that raising pets for fun was illegitimate and unacceptable until the 19th century? Throughout most of history in most societies animals have been considered inferior creatures devoid of emotion or thought. If you loved an animal in the Middle Ages you would be suspected of witchcraft and severely punished!

What made the dog an acceptable pet, not a working and guard animal, was their use as hunting dogs whose upkeep until the new age was allowed only to nobles. During the long hunting trips a close and affectionate relationship was formed between the hunter and his dog but it was still not acceptable to treat him as an animal that could be raised not for practical benefit.
In the second half of the 19th century, the urban middle class began to raise dogs and cats as pets and the hobby spread to the less affluent classes as well.
In the Victorian era, the pet became a status symbol. In 1859 the first dog show was held in England. In the 80s of the 19th century the first pet stores appeared in Paris and commercial dog food dry their ability to obtain only from 1920.
In honor of Love Your Pet Day, pamper your pet and give it special attention and preferably also a tasty snack. If you do not upload pictures of her to social networks at least once a day, it is today to share with everyone the last picture you took (preferably from the last hour) and encourage people to adopt pets that need a warm home. It is known that pictures of pets on social networks provide many moments of amusement that enhance the mood and are beneficial to our mental state.
Love Your Pet Day

Love Your Pet Day
Picture: A cat checks to see if he's cute enough today

February 20 is also World Social Justice Day and Handcuffs Day

Pet Theft Awareness Day- February 14th

 Pet Theft Awareness Day was created by the organization Last Chance for Animals in 1988 to raise awareness of pet theft and teach the public how to keep their animals safe from unscrupulous thieves.

Pet theft is a scourge. Every day, unfortunately, a number of ads are posted on the social media of people who have lost their most precious of all, their beloved dog or cat. The pets that are usually stolen are dogs, but they can also be cats, parrots and any other animal.

Stealing a pet can happen in a matter of seconds. The thieves can pick them up from your yard or porch, if you tied them up outside the store unattended or they roamed freely on a walk in the park. Most pet thefts are not reported, so it is difficult to know how many dogs and cats are stolen each year, but according to the number of posts in the Facebook groups of lost dogs and cats, it can be seen that this is a large number.

Common Causes of Pet Theft (Warning: Unpleasant Content)

Reward: One of the most common reasons for pet theft is when dogs are stolen for sale for profit. Stolen dogs are usually sold to innocent new owners, or to pirate breeders who breed and breed in their backyard purebred dogs whose offspring can be sold. Dogs raised by backyard breeders or so-called "puppy grinders" do not receive proper veterinary care and are often forced to live in appalling living conditions.

Bait or fighting in dog fights: Another shocking phenomenon is to use dogs in fights between them when people gamble money on the dogs. Sometimes small dogs and cats are stolen to serve as bait for dogs to fight among themselves.

How to protect your pets from theft?

Never underestimate. Just as you will never leave a baby or small child unattended, so too with your dog or cat. Always keep them at home, especially when you are not around. Do not leave your animals unattended in the yard. It only takes thieves a minute to steal them away. Don't leave your dog in the car alone.

Take care to identify your pets: Implant a chip at a veterinarian and wear them a collar that has a tag with your name and phone in case the dog or cat manages to escape and gets into the hands of someone who wants to help.

Make sure your pets are spayed or neutered; Neutered and spayed animals are less likely to move away from home to roam and be at risk of extinction.

Make sure you have up-to-date photos of your pets, just in case you need to find them. Make sure their licenses are valid.

Be aware of strangers in your area and report anything unusual, such as suspicious neighborhood activities or a wave of missing pets, to local police and animal control.

What to do if your pet is missing?

Call the police; If your pet has been stolen, ask to file a report to have a record of the theft. Animal theft is illegal and a complaint can be lodged with the police.

Post notices of pet disappearance wherever possible on social media. Add an up-to-date photo and every identifying detail like a collar, special spots, and a description of the dog's behavior toward strangers, so that if someone finds him, he can capture him for you and hold him until you get to pick him up. 

Hang in your neighborhood and wherever the dog may reach "lost" ads with an up-to-date picture of your dog or cat along with your exact contact information.

Contact animal welfare organizations.

Be aware of scams! People may claim to have your pet and insist on a reward before handing it over to you. If a stranger calls and says he has found your pet, make sure he gives you a very detailed description of your pet and sends a picture of him.

One more thing - if you see a dog roaming free on the street, report it on social media for its owner to pick it up and keep it, or if you can, keep it until its owner arrives and explain to them how dangerous it is to let a dog roam the street alone when dog theft is so common.

February 14 is also Valentine's day and Ferris Wheel Day

Dress up your pet day- January 14

14 January is Dress up your pet day. The temperatures outside are dropping and it's time to dress your dog in a sweater, coat or dress. 
Dress up your pet day was founded in 2009 by celebrity pet lifestyle expert Colleen Paige.
The purpose of this day is to promote awareness of the need for pet adoption, to celebrate and pamper with pets and also to support retail businesses of pet supplies.
This is a day to showcase the clothes you bought for your pet, buy them new clothes and look at animal fashion shows.

"The important thing to remember is not to make pets feel uncomfortable with their clothes," Paige says, "not to laugh at them and embarrass them. To dress them in cute clothes and have fun with them while maintaining their comfort level."
 It is important that you dress your dog in a warm but not too much clothing, pleasant to the touch, not stressful or restrictive. It is very important not to dress them in real fur.
You can also treat them to toys and snacks.
Another fact that is important to note- Dress up your pet day does not support or promote businesses that sell products that include leathers, fur or parts from any type of real animal.
Dog sweater

Dog sweater

Wonderwoman dog
Batman dog

Another Batman dog
Superman dog

Teen Titan dog
Spiderman Dog

Go Cook For Your Pets Day- November 1st

We all love our pets, and a day go cook your pets is a day that takes their pampering to new levels.
On this day, as responsible owners who want to justify the loyalty and affection of your pet, you are asked to stop with the regular canned food that you insist on feeding them every day, and instead cook them a culinary delicacy that will tickle their taste buds and make them happy.
Have you ever felt your heart melt when you fry yourself a schnitzel or meatballs, and your pet just stares at you and seems to ask, "Why do you deserve all this delicious food but I have to eat these dry pebbles all the time?" Have you ever felt guilty about eating fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, nuts, grains and plenty of delicious sweets and snacks, while your pet eats the exact same thing every day?
If so, you'll probably love this little holiday: a day go cook for your pet. Cooking for yourself can offer many benefits - it's cheaper than dining in restaurants, not to mention the control it gives you over what you put into your body - it's time to find out how much fun it can be to cook for your pet too! Needless to say, your little friends are sure to get excited too.


History of the day Go cook for your pet
Go Cook for Your Pet day was invented by the people behind the website who thought it was time for pet owners to start paying more attention to their furry friends' diets. Our pets, they believe, deserve a little more love and attention for all the joy they bring to our lives, and it's hard to disagree with them.


How to celebrate the day Go cook for your pet
This special day is about promoting good nutrition among our beloved pets in order to improve their health and standard of living ... and if that is not a respectable reason, then what is? There are lots of recipes to choose from, both from and from many other sites, so basically, the sky is the limit. However, there are some things to keep in mind, as animals are much more sensitive to certain components than humans, and may even be severely harmed by their consumption. So remember:


Do not spoil the food of your pets - you may like black pepper, salt, cumin or oregano, but your pets do not need them, and they may even cause their stomachs to respond poorly.
No need to add sauce- they do not need it.
Do not change your pet's diets overnight. Make the change from one type of food to another gradually so that they can get used to it.
If your pet is suffering from any health condition, consult a veterinarian before feeding on anything new.
Avoid feeding your pets garlic, onions, foods with mold or oils, salt, alcohol, coffee, tea, yeast and chocolate. You should also be careful of milk and dairy products, as they can cause damage to their digestive system.
So go cook and prepare some treats or delicious meals for your pet, to make this special day an international celebration for all pets!

November 1 is also World Vegan Day and  DAy of the Dead

Palace Pets Coloring Pages

Coloring pages of Palace Pets. Palace Pets is an American animated series for children that airs on the Disney Junior channel. The series takes place in the palace, and the main characters are the pets of the Disney princesses and the princesses themselves. Each episode has new adventures of the animals of the Disney princesses and learn about friendship, loyalty and good deeds. The pets that participate in the series are Berry - the bunny who belongs to Snow White, Pumpkin - a white puppy who loves to dance ballet and belongs to Cinderella, Dreamy - a pink kitten who sleeps a lot and belongs to Aurora, Treasure- an orange kitten who belongs to Ariel, Petite- a pony belonging to Belle, Sultan- a confident orange tiger cub who belongs to Jasmine, and Miss Featherbon- a blue bird with magical abilities that sometimes advises living in a palace and serves as a host at certain events.

Here you will find coloring pages of the characters in Palace Pets.
Below you will find Palace pets coloring pages which you can paint for your enjoyment. Choose the coloring page of palace pets you want to paint, print and paint for your enjoyment. To print the page you would like to color, click on page and then click Ctrl+P. Have fun!

Ariel and her pets coloring page for kidsBerry - Snow White's bunny  Palace Pets coloring page
Blossom, Mulan's happy panda coloring pageAurora's pet baby fox coloring page for girlsBayou - Tiana's pet pony coloring page
Palace Pets coloring pageSummer- Rapunzel's kitten coloring page
Bibbidy - Cinderella's pony coloring pageCinderella and Pumpkin coloring pageDreamy, Aurora's Sleepy Kitten coloring page
Rapunzel's Peacock, Sundrop - Palace pets coloring pageRapunzel's Truffles the Pig - Palace pets coloring pageBirdadette- Tiana's pet bird
Palace pets coloring pagePalace pets coloring pageMatey coloring page
SlipperLily: Tiana's Kitten - Disney Palace Pets coloring pageTeacup: Belle's Puppy - Palace pets coloring pages
Treasure coloring page Palace PetsWindflower - Pocahontas racoon coloring page

LOL Surprise Dolls Coloring Pages

Coloring pages for the cutest dolls - LOL, LOL animals and LOL babies.

Choose the coloring page of L.O.L Surprise dolls you want to paint, print and paint for your enjoyment. To print the page you would like to color, click on page and then click Ctrl+P. Have fun!

lol friends coloring pagelol coloring page baby pool
lol doll coloring pagelol puppy coloring page
lol coloring pagelol coloring page
lol coloring page3 dolls lol coloring page
lol coloring pagelol coloring page
lol coloring pagelol coloring page
lol coloring page for girlslol coloring page
lol coloring page for girlslol coloring page for kids
lol dolls coloring pagelol coloring page
lol coloring pagelol coloring page
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lol dolls coloring pagefor girlslol dolls coloring pagefor girls
lol dolls coloring pagefor girlslol dolls coloring pagefor girls
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lol dolls coloring page for kidslol baby coloring page for kids
lol baby coloring pagelol baby coloring page for kids
lol baby coloring page for kidslol baby coloring page for kids
lol baby coloring page for kidslol baby coloring page for girls
lol doll coloring page for girlslol doll coloring page for girls
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lol doll pet coloring page for girlslol doll mermaid coloring page for girls
lol dog coloring pagelol dog coloring page
lol dog coloring pagelol cute dog coloring page
lol dog coloring pagelol baby coloring page
lol pet coloring pagelol pet puppy coloring page
lol pet puppy coloring pagelol pet puppy coloring page
lol pet puppy coloring pagelol pet puppy coloring page
lol pet puppy coloring pagelol pet puppy coloring page
lol pet bunny coloring pagelol pet bunny coloring page
lol pet coloring pagelol doll bunny coloring page
lol doll coloring pagelol doll coloring page
lol doll coloring pagelol doll coloring page
lol doll coloring pageL.O.L. Surprise! gift
L.O.L. Surprise! Car-PoolL.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Candylicious Fashion Doll
L.O.L. Surprise Ooh La La BabyL.O.L. Surprise! Furniture Classroom
L.O.L. Surprise Ooh La La Baby

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