Valentine's day- 14th February

Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14. It originated as a Western Christian feast day honoring one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine and is recognized as a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.

No matter if we have to celebrate this day or not, on February 14th we are flooded with advertisements wherever possible, reminding us that it is best not to forget to buy gifts, flowers and chocolates, for our spouses, if we do not want to sleep in the living room tonight.
The source of Valentine's day
There are several versions of the origin of this holiday, but the most common version is the one that tells of the days of Emperor Claudius II, in 270 AD. The cruel Claudius forbade his men to marry during the war because he believed they were strong and able to fight better when they were single.

 Bishop Valentine rallied against him and secretly married couples in love. He was apprehended and imprisoned and on February 14 executed. Before he died he wrote a letter from prison to his daughter and signed with the words "Yours, Valentine." Valentine has since become a symbol of lovers and the day of his execution for Valentine's Day.
In the Middle Ages the girls would celebrate Valentine’s Day by eating strange foods because that is how they believed they would dream at night about their future husband. There was also a tradition of passing a bowl with notes of names between the men and women and they would pull out a note and find out who would be their favorite. After the lottery, the name of the favorite would be embroidered on the sleeve.
  But what is love? here are some beautiful quotes for Valentine's day

A little girl asks her older brother: what us love? The brother answers: love is when I know that every day you steal chocolate from my bag, but I keep putting it in the same place...

Valentine's Day coloring pages

Love is when you can't experience anything without wishing the other person were there to see it, too.

Love means accept him with all the failures, stupid and ugly  things and yet to see 

perfection in his imperfection.

Funny Valentine's day cards

Amazing inexpensive gifts for Valentine's day

Valentine's day gifts- Kitchenware

Amazing cards for Valentine's day

 February 14 is also Ferris Wheel Day and Pet Theft Awareness Day

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