Showing posts with label Barriers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barriers. Show all posts

National Barrier Awareness Day - May 7

In 1986, on May 7, Ronald Reagan announced National Barrier Awareness Day.
This day is designed to raise awareness of the barriers and obstacles suffered by some 36 million Americans with various disabilities.

Eighty percent of Americans experience some disability in their lives. These can be permanent or temporary disabilities. Society must, according to the manifesto written by Reagan, understand and appreciate the barriers and obstacles they have to deal with and how important it is to help them, because even the disabled can overcome and contribute to our society.
Many disabled people face financial, cultural, and physical barriers due to a public lack of understanding of their needs. We need to be more aware of the barriers that prevent or hinder so many citizens from fully participating in our social life, and how much they could have contributed if these obstacles had been removed ...

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