Showing posts with label Chicken Dance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicken Dance. Show all posts

Chicken Dance Day - May 14

Chicken Dance Day is a special day that falls on May 14 and is dedicated to the fun, childish, silly and popular dance - Chicken Dance.
The Chicken dance also known as the Bird Song, the Birdie Song, the Bird Dance or the Chicken Song, makes people happy all over the world. It is danced at family events, at school and kindergarten events and can also be done at home with the children.

Want to see how the birds dance? Here is a video demo:

A little about the history of Chicken dance:
The melody of the dance was composed in 1950 by  Werner Thomas, a Swiss accordion player from Debus.

Thomas called the song "Der Ententanz" (The Duck Dance). In the 1960s, Thomas would play the song in various restaurants and hotels, until at one of his performances, he was heard by a Belgian producer named Louis van Rymenant. Van Rymenant wrote a song for the melody and began distributing it to the public in 1970, but with almost no success.
Jake's restaurant
In 1977 a Dutch band called "De Electronica's" created an instrumental version of the song and overnight the duck dance became a hit and a very successful international song. 
From the moment the song was published, many "bird" names were added to it: the dance of the birds, the dance of the chick, the dance of the chickens, etc. The song has been recorded in more than 140 versions, all over the world, including one by Walt Disney, and has sold more than 40 million copies.
On September 20, 2004, rock musician Vince Neil, of the Motley Crue Band, organized the largest bird dance in the world at the Oktoberfest in Cincinnati, Ohio.
On November 13, 2009, a support event was organized for a children's hospital in Eastern Ontario, Canada, in which 389 people bought a ticket for $ 100 to dance for 3 hours in a row.
On April 23, 2010, the world's largest bird dance record was broken, held in downtown Byron, Michigan at the Jake's restaurant, as a fundraising event for Helen Debus Children's Hospital. By the way, in the entrance of Jake's restaurant there is a huge plastic chicken statue.

In honor of U.S. Independence Day in 2010, on July 4, tens of thousands of people in North Dakota danced the bird dance at a street festival and set a new world record.

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