Showing posts with label Douglas Adams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Douglas Adams. Show all posts

Towel Day - May 25

The Towel Day, which falls on May 25, is a day of honor in memory of the author Douglas Adams (1952-2001), who wrote the book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
The date was set two weeks after the date of Adams' death, May 11, 2001, because it was the shortest time it took to spread the word about the existence of that day.
On this day, fans of the writer and lovers of his memory take a towel with them wherever they go.

Why celebrate Towel Day?

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The source for Towel Day is in Adams' story, in the seventh episode of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, first book, about his vacation in Greece, and the fact that whenever he wanted to go to the sea, he found that his towel was gone. After his vacation was over, he decided that whoever wanted his life to be tidy, "should know where his towel is" and not panic. The book describes the towel as the most useful item a hitchhiker can take with him as he wanders among the stars.

Towel Day is a great day to rejuvenate with a huge new beach towel in a mandala design or something else cool (Link)

 May 25 is also Tap Dance Day

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