Showing posts with label Hearing loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hearing loss. Show all posts

World Hearing Day - March 3

 World Hearing Day is held on March 3 each year to raise awareness of how to prevent deafness and hearing loss and to promote treatment of ear and hearing problems worldwide.

Every year, the World Health Organization decides on a particular topic for this day and develops evidence-based information materials such as brochures, leaflets, posters, infographics and presentations, among others. These materials are shared with government and civil society officials around the world as well as with World Health Organization offices. The World Health Organization is organizing an annual World Hearing Day event at its Geneva headquarters. In recent years, a growing number of member states and other partner agencies have joined World Hearing Day by hosting a variety of activities and events in their countries.

Theme of World Hearing Day this year (2021): Hearing treatments for everyone! Screen, rehabilitation, communication.

Policies of the day for policy makers: The number of people living with hearing loss and ear disease without treatment is unacceptable. Timely action is needed to prevent and treat hearing loss during life. Investing in cost-effective interventions will benefit people with hearing loss and bring financial gains to the company. Governments should work to integrate people-centered ear and hearing care into national health programs for universal health coverage.

International Hearing Day Principles for the General Public: Good hearing and communication are important at all stages of life. Hearing loss (and related ear diseases) can be prevented through preventative measures such as protection against loud sounds, good ear care methods and vaccination. Hearing loss (and related ear diseases) can be treated when it is detected in time and appropriate treatment is received. People at risk of hearing loss should have their hearing checked regularly. People who suffer from hearing loss (or related ear diseases) should seek medical attention.

How to mark International Hearing Day?

The World Health Organization asks everyone to encourage those who need help due to hearing loss to apply for admission. If you know someone who suffers from an untreated hearing loss, encourage them to have a hearing test or ask their doctor for a referral to a clinic that specializes in hearing transplants.

international hearing day

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