The French toast is fried bread in an egg batter, which can be prepared from salty or sweet and eaten with various additives such as whipped cream, cheese, fruit, ice cream, chocolate, butter, honey and more.
What's fun with this toast is that it does not have a special recipe and you can try it on a different way every time until you find out what recipe is best for you. To mix the fried bread you can add milk, orange juice, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon and more. The additions can also be varied. The French toast is a popular breakfast or dinner and can be prepared simply from what you have at home at the moment (provided you have the basic ingredients: bread and egg).
It is not known who invented the dish, but there is documentation that it existed in Europe already in the Middle Ages.
There is a claim that it was originally called "German toast" but during World War I, because the atmosphere in the United States was anti-German, changed its name to "Tost French."
There is also a story that the French toast was invented by an American man at a roadside inn near Albany in New York in 1724 whose name was Joseph French.
No matter where the french toast comes from, the important thing is that it is tasty, easy to prepare and can be eaten both sweet and salty and add to it anything you want.

Caution - this is the day for men to prepare dinner !!! The first Thursday of November each year is the day when men are supposed to make dinner. This day is for men who never cook for themselves and have no idea how to prepare food. This day is actually celebrated in America (USA and Canada), although it would have been nice if men would take on the task of preparing dinner from time to time in other countries too. On this day, women are not allowed to enter the kitchen and interfere. There are websites with special and easy recipes For men who do not master the art of food preparation, created especially for this day.
The founder of this day is Sandy Sharkey, who wanted to protest that many men still behave like in the 1950s, when it was customary for the man to go out to work and the woman to stay home to take care of her.
Besides, some of the greatest chefs in the world are men, so there is certainly no evidence that men are worse cooks. Men - Men's Day Making dinner is your chance to try your culinary skills ...
More rules of this day: 1. The food that the man prepares, everyone eats and does not throw away. BBQ or on the fire is not considered for dinner. Even ordering food from outside is not considered "making dinner" yourself.
When does Men make dinner day is coming next years?
2020- November 5
2021- November 4
2022- November 3
2023- November 2
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