Showing posts with label kwanzaa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kwanzaa. Show all posts

Kwanzaa - 26 December

Kwanzaa is a secular holiday celebrated among African-Americans in the US, as of December 26, for a week, until January 1. 

Holiday Kwanzaa reminds me a little Hanukkah , because of the custom of lighting the menorah candles with seven branches called Kinara, which begins with the lighting of a candle each and every day after lighting another candle. Holiday Kwanzaa is a modern holiday invented by Dr. Ron Maulana Carnegie in 1966 to honor and respect the cultural heritage of the United States from Africa. Customs of the holiday are: home decoration objects of arts, traditional African clothing, gift giving and fresh fruit. Before dinner revelers welcome cup of wine and passed it to them, including children. Kinara candle-lighting ceremony, an artistic performance and finally dinner. Blessing of the holiday is "Happy Kwanzaa feast" or "Habari Gani" (What's new in Swahili) or "Joyous Kwanzaa".

Happy Kwanza
Habari gani? whats the news?
Habari gani? whats the news?
Celebrating Kwanza animated gif
Celebrating Kwanza
happy kwanzw animated gifs
Happy Kwanza

December 26 is also Boxing Day

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