Showing posts with label neurology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neurology. Show all posts

Restless Leg Syndrome Day- 23 September

September 23 is the day of awareness of the medical condition called Restless Legs Syndrome. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the medical condition in which the legs jump or move in a state of rest, sleep or sitting.
The date was chosen because it was the date of birth of Professor Karl Axel Ekborn, a Swedish neurologist who first described the syndrome in his writings in 1945.
Since then they have studied and learned a lot about this situation. The main cause is unknown but has been linked to the level of iron in the blood or dopamine.
The syndrome can also occur in the hands. Other causes may be side effects of various medications, medical conditions such as ADHD or old age.
The goal of International Awareness Day (RLS) is to increase the understanding of the jerky movements and the distress they cause in some cases.

International Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) Awareness Day - April 13

Functional neurological disorder is a disorder that disconnects the communication between the brain and the body, even when the brain and body seem to function properly. The disorder is due to a problem with the functioning of the nervous system and is considered as a result of the inability of the brain to send and receive signals properly. The functional neurological disorder can mimic other disorders and diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and epilepsy, and can be equally debilitating and stressful.


There are a large number of symptoms experienced by people suffering from a functional neurological disorder. It is important to note that the symptoms they experience are very real. However, the origin of the symptoms is complex because they can be related to physical injury, severe psychological trauma (Conversion Disorder) and dysfunction of idiopathic neurology (when there is no clear cause). The main symptoms of the disorder belong to motor or sensory function: limb weakness or paralysis, electrical attacks (also called dissociative or non-epileptic seizures) - these may appear as epileptic seizures, disconnection or fainting, movement disorders including tremors, dystonia (convulsions), myoclonus (Sudden and involuntary movements), visual symptoms including loss of vision or double vision, speech symptoms including dysphonia (whispered speech), blurred or stuttering speech, sensory disturbance including missensor syndrome (different sensation on one side of the body).

Many patients suffering from FND are diagnosed by doctors with diseases that have an organic cause and not of the mind. With FND, the symptoms are not due to psychological or organic causes, but the pain or lack of movement still exists and the causes are not revealed. This is because there is probably not enough research on the subject.

Currently, the best treatment programs available for the disorder are through physical therapy and painkillers.

When it comes to disorders and diseases, one of the most common misconceptions is that sufferers always have control over their symptoms through treatments and medications. In disorders such as Functional Neurologic Disorder (FND), this is not the case.

Many disorders and diseases do not have a cure, so in many cases of disorders that do not have enough research on their subject, it is difficult for doctors and patients to find ways to treat the symptoms and diagnose the problem.

Functional neurological disorder (FND) is just one of those disorders that leaves many confused and wanting answers.

History of International Day for the Functional Neurological Disorder

The International Disorder Awareness Day was created by Bridget Mildon, CEO and Founder of FND Hope International. hopes to help people with Functional Neurological Disorder understand what it is and learn how to find treatment. FND Hope is an organization designed to help people with the disorder and teach people What FND is and how it can help fund research into the disorder and find a potential cure for it.The organization created in 2013 the first International Awareness Week of the disorder.

FND Hope has branches across the US, UK and Australia and their main purpose is to help others connect around the world via the web and encourage people to support in the hope of finding a cure for FND. The organization has a team of 30-40 dedicated volunteers from around the world Social change and support from a group of colleagues online in thousands of people from over 100 countries.


How to mark International Day of Functional Neurological Disorder?

If you want to help achieve the purpose of this day, share it on your favorite social media sites and use the hashtag #LetsTalkFND to let everyone know what day it is. If you know someone who suffers from the disorder, or who suffer from it yourself, share your personal experiences, or donate to FNDHope to help investigate the disorder.


International FND Awareness Day

April 13 is also Scrabble Day

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