Showing posts with label sanitation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sanitation. Show all posts

Toilet Day - November 19

You probably will not believe that there is such a day, but there is definitely such an international official day. This day is dedicated to the restrooms, i.e. to the toilets. Toilet Day was announced by an organization called the World Toilet Organization whose goal is to improve sanitation and hygiene conditions in toilets around the world, especially in poor areas where people do not have access to normal toilets. It is a non-profit organization founded on November 19, 2001 and started as a small organization, with 15 members and today it has 151 members from 53 countries around the world. 

Some fun facts about toilets:

The average person spends a cumulative three months of his life on the toilet in the bathroom.

A computer keyboard may hold 200 times more bacteria than the toilet seat of the toilet.

A billion people around the world are still defecating in the open, due to a lack of toilets.

Taiwan has a restaurant whose concept is toilets and whose food is served on plates shaped like small toilets.

Americans spend 5 cents on every drop of toilet water per day on average.

More people around the world have a cell phone than access to toilets.

Since the invention of the smartphone, people have been spending more and more time in the bathroom.

Use of toilets consumes an average of about 6 liters of water in a single flush.

A cell phone has 18 times more bacteria than a toilet.

It is better to sit on the toilet seat as it is, than to line it with toilet paper, because the toilet paper that stands next to the toilet is a habitat for millions of bacteria, while the toilet seat is made of plastic coated with a material that can not contain a lot of bacteria.

An average desktop has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet.

The inhabitants of ancient Rome had, among other things, a goddess of sewage, a god of the toilet, and a god of feces.

November 19 is also International Men's Day

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