Showing posts with label dates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dates. Show all posts

Two Different Colored Shoes Day - May 3

May 3 each year is Two Different Colored Shoes Day. Every morning we wake up, get dressed and put on matching shoes without thinking about it. The shoes are of course the same because if we go with a pair of shoes where each shoe is different everyone will look at us as if we have fallen from the moon.

We can express ourselves in many ways, but why not kick conventions one day and leave the house with two shoes in two different colors? Dr. Arlene Kaiser was tired of the same shoe locking ceremony (which are usually in black, brown or white) and decided to create a special day where everyone wears two shoes in two colors.

This day is meant to make us all appreciate our diversity and self-expression.

So go ahead, one day a year do not consider what the society tells us is normal, choose two different shoes in different colors and go with them to work or school. Yes, people will look at you but what do you care, you know how important to diversify.

To the website of Dr. Arlene Kaiser, who wears two shoes in two colors.

Two Different Colored Shoes Day

May 3 is also Garden Meditation Day

Handcuffs Day - February 20

Handcuffs Day is happy if you are a law-abiding citizen, but if you have a criminal background, this day may not be so happy for you ....
Handcuffs Day is the anniversary of the worldwide patent-pending patent registration, the handcuffs invented by George A. Carney, on February 20, 1920.

The new design of criminal restraints has made the lives of police officers easier. The new handcuffs were lighter and easier to use than the previous handcuffs.
The original purpose of the handcuffs is to restrain criminals so that they cannot escape, but some people find other uses in them such as magicians making an appearance of Houdini-inspired handcuffs, or for intimate BDSM-style relationships.
In Japan, if you are photographing someone with their hands handcuffed, you should blur (pixelate) your hands if you publish the picture on TV or in the press. This is because of the case where Kazyoshi Miura, a Japanese businessman accused of murdering his wife (not the footballer), claimed in court that publicizing his hands in handcuffs had created prejudice in the trial he was guilty of.
Even in France it is forbidden to broadcast images of people handcuffed, or otherwise coerced.
In Hong Kong, people who are handcuffed and led by police are given the opportunity to put a black bag on their head.

Inane Answering Message Day- January 30

The voicemail messages on the phone are usually dull and corny. How many times have you heard the message: "You have reached X's voicemail. Please leave your message and I will get back to you shortly"?
January 30th is the day to replace the message in your voicemail with something original, funny, creative or silly, something that will give your caller a good taste, a smile or laughter and a good feeling, because why bother those who call you for not answering? At least give him a reason to smile.

One of the funniest moments in the Seinfeld series was the episode where George Costanza recorded a silly voice message on his phone with these words:

Believe it or not, George isn’t at home.

Please leave a message at the beep.
I must be out, or I’d pick up the phone.
Where could I be?
Believe it or not, I’m not home!

January 30 is also Croissant Day

Toilet Day - November 19

You probably will not believe that there is such a day, but there is definitely such an international official day. This day is dedicated to the restrooms, i.e. to the toilets. Toilet Day was announced by an organization called the World Toilet Organization whose goal is to improve sanitation and hygiene conditions in toilets around the world, especially in poor areas where people do not have access to normal toilets. It is a non-profit organization founded on November 19, 2001 and started as a small organization, with 15 members and today it has 151 members from 53 countries around the world. 

Some fun facts about toilets:

The average person spends a cumulative three months of his life on the toilet in the bathroom.

A computer keyboard may hold 200 times more bacteria than the toilet seat of the toilet.

A billion people around the world are still defecating in the open, due to a lack of toilets.

Taiwan has a restaurant whose concept is toilets and whose food is served on plates shaped like small toilets.

Americans spend 5 cents on every drop of toilet water per day on average.

More people around the world have a cell phone than access to toilets.

Since the invention of the smartphone, people have been spending more and more time in the bathroom.

Use of toilets consumes an average of about 6 liters of water in a single flush.

A cell phone has 18 times more bacteria than a toilet.

It is better to sit on the toilet seat as it is, than to line it with toilet paper, because the toilet paper that stands next to the toilet is a habitat for millions of bacteria, while the toilet seat is made of plastic coated with a material that can not contain a lot of bacteria.

An average desktop has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet.

The inhabitants of ancient Rome had, among other things, a goddess of sewage, a god of the toilet, and a god of feces.

November 19 is also International Men's Day

Letter Writing Day - September 1st

When was the last time you held a pen in your hand and used it to write a letter on paper in your handwriting? Emails and text messages in apps are amazing ways of communication. We write something to someone and he gets it right away, but letters on the other hand are kept in a special and personal place.
Letter Writing Day is a special day that falls on September 1 of each year, when the dust is removed from the stationery, pens and envelopes and a letter is written that is sent by mail, not by computer or smartphone. It is also a day to learn the art of letter writing.
In this digital age that all messages are sent by electronic ways, it is almost inconceivable to sit down and compose a letter. However, according to studies, there are good reasons not to give up writing letters completely.

Here are some great reasons to write a letter:

This is a thoughtful way to communicate with those you love.
The recipient of the letter can keep your letter for years.
It has been found that people who write thank you letters are aware and happy with life.
This is a great way to strengthen a friendship, marriage or other significant relationship.
It can help someone better understand your point of view or your position on a particular issue.
Your older friends and relatives will cherish this traditional form of communication.
If you have a beautiful handwriting, this is a way to demonstrate your writing skills.
Another reason to write a letter instead of text or email is that it forces you to really think about what you are writing. Too often, we quickly send texts and emails without really thinking about the impact our words have on the recipient. With the help of a handwritten letter, we are forced to be more careful in choosing the words.

If you have never written a letter, all you need to know is the parts it needs to include. These sections include your date, greeting, letter body, closing and signature.

The history of the day of writing the letters
The day of writing the letters was founded by Richard Simpkin in 2014. In the late 1990s Simpkin wrote letters to people who were considered an Australian legends. He was very moved when these legends replied to him in a letter. In 2005 Simpkin published his book Australian Legends. His excitement at the letters that enabled the project led him to create a day dedicated to letter writing. To help promote letter writing, Simpkin does letter writing workshops in schools and encourages adults to take a break from social media and write a letter.

How to celebrate the day of writing the letters?
The best way to celebrate this day is to write a letter to someone. It could be a friend or relative who lives miles away from you or someone you have lost touch with over time. The recipient of your letter can even be your spouse, parent or best friend. Other ways to celebrate this day are to learn the correct method of writing a handwritten letter, to teach someone to write a handwritten letter, to read historical letters written by famous people and more.

Dream Day - September 25

It's time to sit and relax and enjoy the day of dreams ....
no no! Don't go back to bed! That is not the intention. Dream Day was invented by a lecturer at Columbia University in 2012 with the goal of helping all of us fulfill our dreams and make the world a better place.
(The intention is to make our dreams a reality, not to run away to sleep).
On Dream Day you can organize an event for friends where you will talk about your dreams and how you can make them come true, or you can stay home and dream about what you most want from life.
The intention is a day of planning how to fully realize our potential, or how to fulfill ourselves, not to dreams of the kind of "lose 5 pounds" or "take revenge on my ex"!

So come up with an inspirational dream, plan a sequence of actions on how to make it happen, and help others make their dreams come true as well.
It's so simple and beautiful: all you have to do is ... dream!

September 25th is also Waiters' Day

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