Showing posts with label security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label security. Show all posts

Data Privacy Day - January 28

Data Privacy Day is an international holiday that falls every year on January 28th. The purpose of Data Privacy Day (called "Data Protection Day" in Europe) is to raise awareness and promote best practices for data privacy protection.
Data Privacy Day is "celebrated" in the United States, Canada, and 27 other European countries.

The Data Privacy Day Educational Initiative is focused on raising awareness among businesses and users, of the importance of protecting the privacy of their personal information online, especially in the context of social networks.
In addition to events and activities that encourage awareness raising, we are also promoting the development of technological tools that protect the personally identifiable information people enter online.

It's today to stop and think about how you can protect your privacy online so that your personal data is not exposed to anyone and take steps such as changing your privacy setting on social networks, clearing cookies from your computer that will prevent you from tracking online, avoiding filling out personal information on sites that ask you to do so. Justifiable reason and more.

Computer Security Day - November 30

Computer security is a very important consideration when working with computers, the Internet or in fact any other electronic device. The world of the Internet is like a jungle and many dangers lurk in it. Viruses, worms, spyware, Trojan horses, password and personal information such as credit cards and bank accounts thieves are not uncommon and almost everyone who surfs the Internet has encountered at least one of them once, if not more. And anyone who has not encountered it probably is simply aware of that.


Computer Security Day was first introduced in 1988 to help raise awareness of computer security issues. The purpose of this day is to remind people about the importance of securing computers connected to the network and teaching them how to protect their computers and information.

This annual event takes place around the world on November 30th, although some organizations mark this day on the next business day if it falls on a weekend.

Use Computer Security Day to make sure that your passwords are updated regularly, that your personal information is safe and secure, and that your computer systems are protected.


November 30 is also Saint Andrew's Day in Scotland

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