Coloring pages of Japan

Coloring pages of Japan. Traditional places and customs that characterize Japan. Traditional costumes in Japan. Setsubun is a Japanese holiday (Japanese: 節 分) that symbolizes the day before the start of every season.
On February 3, the Setsubun of the beginning of spring, called Risshun (Japanese: 立春), is celebrated. On this holiday the Japanese remove the bad luck from their homes and welcome the good luck that will enter them.The holiday is celebrated in a ceremony where the head of the family or the landlord stands in the doorway and throws hot soybeans out of a pan as he says aloud: "Oni and Soto, Foucault and Ochi" (鬼 は 外! 福 は 内!) - "Demons out, Good luck inside. " The source of the custom is the Buddhist belief that demons can be smuggled out by hot soybeans. Even in Buddhist temples and Shinto temples, ceremonies are held in which worshipers throw soybeans.
Near the temples there are people dressed as demons (oni) on whom people throw soybeans to get rid of them and bring themselves good luck. Japanese soybeans are also eaten for good luck and health.
Another custom in honor of the first day of spring is to put fish heads or decorations on the door of the house on which fish heads are painted in order to ward off evil spirits.

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coloring page of Japanese house Pagoda style
Japanese house
Japanese boy in traditional costume
Japanese boy
Japanese girl in traditional costume
Japanese girl
Jpanese woman traditional dress
Japanese girl
girl in Japanese dress
Japanese girl
Japanese house
Japanese sumo wrestler coloring page
Japanese sumo wrestler
Japanese martial arts coloring page
Japanese sumo wrestler
Japanese girl
Japanese woman
Japanese house
Japanese meal coloring page
Japanese meal 
Japanese Cherry blossom coloring book
Cherry blossom tree
Cherry blossom
Japanese girl stands near Pagoda coloring page
Japanese girl stands near Pagoda
pagoda japanese structure
Pagoda coloring page

Barbie and Ken Coloring pages

Coloring pages of Barbie. On March 9, 1959, the famous plastic doll Barbie first appeared in a toy fair in New York. The first Barbie doll was a puppet in the form of a very thin woman, blonde with blue eyes, a beauty difficult unattainable model. The idea of ​​a Barbie doll conceived by Ruth Handler, German woman who bought similar shapely doll for her daughter as "a child Lily" and noticed the girl playing her enthusiastically. Because of the structure of the anorexic body Barbie doll came under much criticism for its designers. Said it encourages eating disorders, it causes low body image in girls and young women who aspire to look like and more. Barbie doll manufactured by the American toy company Mattel (Mattel) apart from the classic Barbie produces a multitude of versions and accessories. 
In July 2023, a new movie was released about Barbie and Ken, Greta Gerwig's version of the all-time popular doll, in which Barbie and Ken suddenly find themselves in the real world.
Ken Carson is the legendary Barbie ex, and he first appeared on March 11, 1961 at the toy fair of the company that produces it, Mattel. There were some who made unpleasant comments about his masculinity, and that he cared more about clothes than his love life, that he was superficial and arrogant, but all in all his character was well received in the puppet world. Many bought him and turned him into Barbie's partner, and their love flourished.
In 2004 came the great breakup, the separation that shook the barbarian world. Barbie announced that she was leaving Ken and moving to an Australian surfer named Blaine Gordon. 
Ken did not give in and tried to woo her in vain. In 2011 he tried to bring her back to him by declaring his 50-year-old love still alive and kicking. Barbie was moved by the gesture and returned to his arms and they are together to this day.
A few more facts about Ken that you might not have known:
Ken is younger than Barbie on two years and two days.
Ken was named after Kenneth Handler, the son of the founders of Mattel, Ruth and Eliot Handler.
Ken's first doll was sold at $ 3.5, which is equivalent to $ 27 today.
Ken and Barbie are from Wilson, Wisconsin, USA (there is not really such a city).
According to a metal company, Ken and Barbie met for the first time on a set of photographs for their commercial together.
Ken is higher than Barbie at 1/2 inche. His height is 12” .
Mattel has released new models of Ken dolls to suit the 21st century. The company has introduced 15 new Ken characters in different body structures: "thin", "wide" and "original." Ken will also appear in seven skin tones, eight hair colors and nine hair styles, according to company vice president Lisa McKnight. Barbie or Ken look to the present generation and that Ken's development was a natural stage for the brand and allows to build and personalize the role they want him to fill in the world of Barbie.
In 1964 Ken's best friend was introduced by Metal, named Alan. Alan was the spouse of Midge, a friend of Barbie's.
In 1982, the first version of the Afro-American Ken was released.
In 1993, the Earring Magic doll, which became popular with gay men, was also released, partly because of the way Ken was dressed and because of the earring in his ear. It is also the best-selling Ken doll of all time.
In 1997 it was discovered that Ken has a small brother named Tommy.
After his breakup from Barbie in 2004, Ken began following her on
In the movie Toy Story Ken changed 50 costumes.
In 2009, Mattel released the version of the "Sugar Daddy" on the Palm Beach production line. Ken's new doll raised eyebrows and Mattel responded that the new line was intended for older Barbie collectors, and the name Sugar Daddy refers to Ken's dog named Sugar.
Below you will find Barbie and Ken coloring pages which you can paint for your enjoyment. Choose the coloring page of Barbie you want to paint, print and paint for your enjoyment. Have fun!

Coloring pages of angels

The angels symbolize the acts of kindness around the world. Every act of kindness, big or small, is never wasted. Everyone can do an act of kindness to the world that will bring good energies and cause the good to unfold and move on. On August 22, National Angel Day encourages good deeds and kindness to others. By supporting those in need and inspiring others to do kindness, we present an act of an angel here on earth.
The American writer Jane Howard Feldman also felt the presence of angels. After all, her website claims that angels inspired her to create this day. She started this day in 1993 to encourage people to perform small acts of kindness, and over the years, the popularity of this day has grown by leaps and bounds.
On this page you will find coloring pages of angels that will inspire you to act like them and be good to others. We hope you enjoy coloring these pages and this will be our small act of kindness for you :)
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coloring page of mother angel holding a baby
Angel and baby
angel girl coloring book heart
Angel girl
cute little girl angel with wings standing
Cute girl angel
angle girl with wings
cute angel
angel woman with wings
angel woman
beautiful woman angel wings Disney style
angel girl
angel coloring book
angel boy cute anime style coloring page
angel boy
boy angel
boy angel
angel boy holding a puppy dog
angel with puppy
cute angel girl holding a puppy dog
cute angel girl with dog
ancient greek angel coloring page

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