Showing posts with label Tsunami. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tsunami. Show all posts

Go Barefoot Day – June 1

June 1 is the day to shed off your shoes and walk barefoot on the grass.

No matter where you are, at work, on a picnic, anywhere, just kick off the footgear. It's time to clean the closet and give away with shoes that you don't need. 

More importantly, it's a custom this day to donate a pair of shoes to charity, for the unfortunate who can't afford to buy a pair of their own. 

The organization behind this special day is Soles4Souls, a nonprofit global social enterprise that initiated the Go Barefoot Day in the wake of the Tsunami disaster in the Indian Ocean on December 26, 2004. More than a million and a half people were left unsheltered, deprived of all their belongings, homes, clothes and shoes, everything. 

The Go Barefoot Day was proclaimed in 2005. 

Since then, donations of shoes keep flowing in, and so far over 26 million pairs of shoes have been handed out to the needy all over the globe.

International Day for Disaster Reduction- 13 October

"Traditional and local knowledge is the essential information base for many societies seeking to live in harmony with nature and adapt to disruptive events of weather, global warming and rising sea levels." ~ UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

The International Day for Disaster Reduction (IDDR) is designed to encourage every citizen and government to take part in building communities and peoples more resilient to natural disasters.  


The UN General Assembly declared October 13 as the International Day for the Reduction of Natural Disasters in 2009. The activities promoted by this day are prevention, preparedness and reduction.

Natural disasters can be floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, strong storms and other natural phenomena that cause destruction.

While we do not have control over natural disasters because they usually happen by force majeure, it is important first of all to save the planet, because global warming causes disasters, and we can also prepare for cases where God forbid something happens. We can develope and use early warning systems, build stronger buildings and more.


October 13 is also National Day Without Bra 

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