Showing posts with label Vanilla Cupcake Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vanilla Cupcake Day. Show all posts

Vanilla Cupcake Day - November 10th

Vanilla Cupcake Day is a special day for cupcake lovers with a vanilla flavor designed to cherish the little cake and celebrate its existence.

The cupcake was invented in the United States in 1796 when the recipe for a cake baked in small cups was written in the cookbook - American Cookery (by Emilia Simmons). 

The earliest documentation of the term cupcake was in 1828 in the book "Seventy-five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats" by Eliza Leslie, a popular recipe writer from Philadelphia who lived in the 19th century.

The cupcakes got their name because of their baking in a cup-shaped mold. In the UK they are called Fairy Cakes and in Australia Patty Cakes. The vanilla cupcakes are made by adding vanilla extract to the cake batter and icing or any topping.

Did you know? Vanilla is considered one of the most expensive spices in the world, second only to saffron.


The vanilla plant is first cultivated by the people of the Totonak on the east coast of Mexico. The spice came to Europe by the Spaniards in the 16th century by the conqueror Hernan Cortes, the man who also brought the chocolate to Europe. Rumor has it that Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, is the one who brought vanilla from France to America in the late 19th century, after tasting vanilla-flavored cream ice cream in Paris.

By the end of the 19th century, Mexico had produced almost all of the vanilla in the world. Today, however, it produces only about 10% of the world's total production of the spice. Madagascar and Indonesia now produce most of the vanilla in the world.

Despite the expense involved, vanilla is one of the most sought after flavors in the world. Today, it is used in a variety of food items, including cakes, ice creams and beverages; And products like perfumes and candles.

The reason for choosing the date of November 10 today is the vanilla cupcake is unknown.


How to celebrate Vanilla Cupcake Day?

Make vanilla cupcakes and serve them to family, friends and co-workers as well. If you do not have someone to eat with you, not the end of the world. You can eat alone and keep the rest in the freezer.


November 10 is also World Science Day for Peace and Development and Sesame Street Day

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