Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts

International Yarn Bombing Day- 11 June

Yarn Bombing Day is a day dedicated to the art of knitting clothes to inanimate objects on the street. This art is also called yarnbombing, yarn storming, guerrilla knitting, kniffiti, urban knitting and graffiti knitting, and really it is a kind of graffiti.
Knitting objects on the streets are public works that are not permanent (although there are those who have remained on the object for years). Unlike regular graffiti, they can be easily removed if needed. There are bars that dress the objects legally and are authorized to do so. Some, like many graffiti artists, do it secretly and dress up in the middle of the night without getting permission. Dressing public objects is illegal, but most communities do not seem to want to prosecute armed fighters with needles.

The purpose of graffiti is usually to express social or political protest, marking territory, decoration, self-expression, publicity or vandalism, while the purpose of yarnbombing is usually the decoration and customization of sterile or cold public places, that is to add to the cold, industrial and monotonous color And life.

The history of the Yarn Bombing
It is believed that the origin of street knit art is in the United States, when Texas bars found a creative way to use the remains of their threads for objects, and since then it has spread throughout the world.
The move is attributed to Magda Saig, 37, of Houston, who says she got the idea for the first time in 2005, when she wrapped her woolen wool in her store handle.
Artist Bill Devonport created and exhibited crochet objects in Houston in the 1990's.
In 2008, Jafagirls, a group of street crochet artists, put a sweater on a tree in Yellow Springs, Ohio, and received international attention. They called their work Knit-Knot.

The movement went on from simple dressing of objects to "tailor-made stories." Lauren O'Farrell of London created her street art under the name Deadly Knitshade and thus founded the city's first knitting graffiti movement.

Although Yarn bombing was popular in urban places, Stephen Duneier, was the first to wear sweaters for trees, rocks and sculptures in the countryside, in Los Feders National Forest starting in 2012.
The Yarnabombers from Craft Club (Emma Curley, Helen Thomas, Gabi Atkins, Claire Whitehead and Rebecca Burton) became the Guinness World Record for the largest display of knitted items, with "Hacking" the children's hospice with 13,388 knitted items to make them happy at Christmas. They also knitted sweaters to their community mailboxes in Essex, England.

How to celebrate the Yarn Bombing day?
Well, if you already know how to knit, then begin to knit trees, benches, post boxes, fences and everything around you to make it colorful and more beautiful. If you do not know how to knit, you can sign up for a knitting course or join a begginers yarn bombing group.

Creative ice cream flavors day- July 1

Since the dawn of history people have always loved to be creative and have done so in many different ways. There are those who expressed their creativity in painting, there are those in poetry and music and there are those who return ... ice cream flavors!

Since the first ice cream, which was probably ice with grape juice in the 18th century, has been invented, many new flavors have been invented, so that God will not get bored. 

Haagen-Daz produces new and surprising flavors of ice cream each year and there are many local boutique ice cream shops that create their own unique flavors.

On the day of the ice cream in creative flavors celebrate all the crazy flavors that have already been invented and those that are not yet waiting to go out into the world.

The reason for the selection of July 1 as the creative flavors of the ice cream day is unknown, apparently the source is ice cream manufacturers who want to promote the ice cream business on this hot day, which is the first day of the summer vacation and first day of the two hottest months of the year.

So how do you celebrate Ice Cream Day with creative tastes?

You can go buy a special flavored ice cream, like cucumber and basil ice cream, chili chocolate ice cream or red grapefruit.

If you come to Japan, you have an opportunity for more special flavors. Haagen-Daz sells ice cream in new flavors of vegetables and fruits, such as orange carrot ice cream and cherry tomatoes.

The cherry tomato ice cream combines the natural sweetness of the tomatoes with the fruit flavor of the cherries, which is supposed to emphasize the rich taste of the tomato.

The "orange carrot" ice cream takes the delicate taste of the carrot and adds to it the fresh citrus taste and the smell of the orange, which gives the carrot a sophisticated and refreshing twist.

  © Little Damage Ice Cream shop - Instagram : Link

At the Ice Cream Ice Shop "Little Damage Ice Cream shop" in Los Angeles, California, they sell carbonated ice cream, which is black ice cream, with a black goblet for goths and those with "Dark Soul".

In Hawaii you can eat purple ice cream and sweet potato with a twist of tropical fruits: If you don't have a place to buy special ice cream, then you can take an ordinary ice cream and turn it into a special and creative taste of your own, like ice cream with ketchup, mustard or pickles. Another possibility to celebrate this day is to have a party of creative flavors of ice cream and invite your family and friends to try.

July 1 is also Canada Day and International Jokes Day

Creative sandwiches

more creative and crazy sandwiches:

A joke about sandwich
Three construction workers were working on a sky scraper, discussing their lunch.
The first construction worker said, "Ham, ham, ham! All I ever get is a ham sandwich! I'm so sick of ham sandwiches. If I get another ham sandwich tommorrow, I'm gonna jump off this building and kill myself."
The second construction worker said, "Turkey, turkey, turkey!! All I ever get is a turkey sandwich! I'm so sick of them! If I get ONE MORE turkey sandwich, I'm gonna kill myself, too!"
The last construction worker said, "Peanut butter, peanut butter, peanut butter! All I ever get for lunch is a peanut butter sandwich. I'm getting so sick of them! If I get another peanut butter sandwich, I'm going to join you guys and jump off this sky scraper."
The next day, the first construction worker got a ham sandwich. So he jumped off the building and killed himself.
The second construction worker got another turkey sandwich, so he jumped off the building and killed himself.
And the third construction worker got a peanut butter sandwich, so he jumped off the building and killed himself, too.
At the funeral, the wives were in mourning. The wife of the first construction worker said, "If only he had told me! I wouldn't have made another ham sandwich."
The wife of the second construction worker said, "If only he had told me! I wouldn't have made another turkey sandwich."
The wife of the third construction worker said, "I don't know why he jumped. He always made his own sandwiches!"

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