Showing posts with label days. Show all posts
Showing posts with label days. Show all posts

Dream Day - September 25

It's time to sit and relax and enjoy the day of dreams ....
no no! Don't go back to bed! That is not the intention. Dream Day was invented by a lecturer at Columbia University in 2012 with the goal of helping all of us fulfill our dreams and make the world a better place.
(The intention is to make our dreams a reality, not to run away to sleep).
On Dream Day you can organize an event for friends where you will talk about your dreams and how you can make them come true, or you can stay home and dream about what you most want from life.
The intention is a day of planning how to fully realize our potential, or how to fulfill ourselves, not to dreams of the kind of "lose 5 pounds" or "take revenge on my ex"!

So come up with an inspirational dream, plan a sequence of actions on how to make it happen, and help others make their dreams come true as well.
It's so simple and beautiful: all you have to do is ... dream!

September 25th is also Waiters' Day

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