Showing posts with label strange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strange. Show all posts

Peculiar People Day- January 10

Peculiar people are people who deviate from the norm. They are unusual, unconventional, doing things that are not acceptable in society, unpredictable, not boring and all in all - think and behave outside the box. The characteristics of the "strange people" can be positive or negative.
Peculiar People's Day is designed to celebrate the existence of the people who add creativity and interesting hue to our world, people who add colors to a dull gray world.

Being weird is not just a matter of appearance. True, strange people can look different from ordinary people. They can dress unusually, dye their hair in unconventional colors, have lots of tattoos or piercings and in short - be prominent in the field. But looking different is not enough to be weird. One should also behave strangely.
Strange people behave differently. They can be unexpected, react differently to events, interpret things differently, say things that an ordinary person is not expected to say, do creative and "crazy" things that no one else thought of - in short - be interesting.
Sometimes we shy away from different people because we do not know how to communicate with them and what to expect from them. Sometimes they can be a little embarrassing because of the attention they attract.
Peculiar People's Day is designed to appreciate those who do not fit into the accepted patterns. Those who think independently and dare to do the things they believe in without social filters.

How to celebrate Peculiar People day?
If you have strange friends, show them that there is a special day for them and that they are appreciated for their special contribution to the world. If you are strange in yourself, we have praised yourself for your daring to be real and different. Lucky there are weird people in the world, otherwise it would have been too boring here!

via GIPHY - Phoebe Buffay, the weird girl in the "Friends" series

via GIPHY- Cosmo Kramer, the weirdest member of Seinfeld's gang

International Strange Music Day - August 24

International Strange Music Day was created by Patrick Grant, a musician from New York City in 1998. Its purpose is simple: to get people to play and listen to types of music they have never experienced before. The 'weird' part can also be unfamiliar - your choice entirely.

Patrick believes that expanding people's musical spectrums can also change the way they look at other aspects of life - his mantra is 'listening without prejudice'. The growing movement has concerts, a record company and strong support from summer schools, where it is valued as a great way to stimulate young minds. 


Experiencing different types of music is beneficial to us in many ways. Listening to different types of music helps to broaden horizons. It also promotes seeing things from a different perspective.

Studies show that different genres of music affect the mind and body in different ways. For example, jazz is known to soothe the body. Pop music helps improve endurance. Metal music provides a stronger sense of identity. Of all the types of music, classical has the best effect. Classical music fights depression, ignites creative sparks, releases pain and trains the mind.

Apart from the well-known genres of music, there are other lesser-known types. There is music made by whistling, drumming on pots and pans, the sounds of roaring chickens or the sounds of creatures living in the depths of the sea. There is also music that is made by blowing a kazu (an American musical instrument that distorts the voice of the person playing it).

How to celebrate International Strange Music Day?

Today is the day to experiment with different styles of music that you have not yet tried. You can listen to music from other parts of the world, such as distant islands, the Far East, folk music from foreign countries and more. You can also try to play on strange and creative instruments and express yourself in person.


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