Showing posts with label wild. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wild. Show all posts

Mountain Day- 11 December

Mountains cover about 27 percent of the total area of ​​the earth, and they play a critical role in the development of the world and its economic growth.
Mount consists of a soil and rock, which rises to a height of several hundred meters. So on the one hand, it is difficult to build a house on the mountain, but on the other hand the mountain has advantages such as beautiful scenery and fresh air.


Acceptable to hold the mountain sports like skiing, trekking and mountaineering.
The mountain is a place with an unusual view so many resorts in the mountains or slopes.
The mountains there are different animals than on the plain, like mountain goats, leopards, hyraxes and more.
The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest, which its peak is 8,848 metres (29,029 ft) above sea level.

The UN declared a day of mountain on December 11, to promote awareness and debate about the importance of mountains and dealing with the life of communities around the world on the mountain as its ecological conservation.

World Wildlife Conservation Day- 4 December

The world is full of fascinating and beautiful animals; Elephants, monkeys, bears, lions, deer, giraffes, leopards and more, a magnificent animals living in their natural environment and often we see them in nature films or Safari. 

The sad truth is that many of these animals in danger of extinction. Many of the most favorite animals are slaughtered daily by hunters acting illegally, who will stop at nothing to get what they want. What they want is to spare animals are worth a lot of money for the purpose of selling them for manufactured products no one in their right mind really understand why we have them. 

There are many synthetic substitutes for things like ivory and fur do not require brutal massacre of animals to get them, not to mention the alternatives to synthetics are higher quality. Really there is not a more delicious then shark soup so you need to destroy live sharks then throwing them back into the sea to die? There is no justification for the amount of animals that die each year. And yet it happens. In 2011 alone, for example elephant hunters were confiscated over 23 tons of ivory, which means at least 2,500 dead elephants. A United Nations report from 2010 suggests that the gorillas may disappear altogether from large parts of the Congo Basin in the mid-2020.


How to mark the Wildlife Conservation World Day?

Raise awareness and contribute to the preservation and protection of endangered species such as elephants, rhinos and tigers on the website of daily global wildlife conservation. This global event gives us all the opportunity to learn more about wildlife conservation and be part of the solution to crime against wildlife. Spread the message about the importance of protecting endangered species on the planet and the devastating impact of poaching on our environment. Learn how to make consumers responsible to stop the illegal trade of wildlife.

Link to the website of the WWF-World Wildlife Fund in which you can read about the animals that are at risk and what can and should be done to stop it.

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