Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts

Iced Tea Day- 10 June

Ice tea is not only refreshing on a hot summer day, it also has some great health benefits and can be enjoyed in many different flavors. 
June 10 is the ice tea day and this is an excellent excuse to enjoy this refreshing drink! Do not be afraid to add a little lemon or sugar to taste, or even ginger to help if you suffer from a sore throat. 

The Ice Tee can be bought in a bottle or can, mixed with various syrups such as lemon, raspberry, lime, passion fruit, peach, oranges, strawberries, cherries and more.
The oldest printed recipes of Ice Tee are dated to 1870. Two of the earliest cookbooks with cold tea recipes are the Buckeye Cookbook by Estel Woods Wilcox, first published in 1876, and the book Housekeeping in old Virginia by Marion Cabell Tyree, first published in 1877.

Iced tea receipe from the book "Housekeeping in Old Virginia" by Marion Cabell Tyree

Iced tea began to appear in the United States during the 1860s. In the early 1970s, it began showing up on hotels and stalls at train stations, mainly in the southern US, and his popularity gained momentum after being exhibited at a 1904 world's fair in St. Louis by Richard Blechynden.

The popularity of the ice tea in the United States led to the creation of sets of cutlery adapted to this beverage: Ice tea spoon is a spoon with a long handle, suitable for mixing sugar in the long glasses.

How to celebrate the cold tea day? 

Usually the 10th of June falls on a hot day, so the best way to celebrate the day is to drink cold tea refreshing in different flavors.

World Marriage Day - The second Sunday in February

World Marriage Day is a day marked by the sponsorship of an American organization called the Worldwide Marriage Encounter, which is associated with the Catholic movement and aims to encourage and sanctify the institution of marriage.
The purpose of the wedding day is: "World Marriage Day respects the husband and wife as the basis of the family, the basic unit of society, and salutes the beauty of their loyalty, sacrifice and joy in the daily life of the married."

The idea to celebrate the marriage began in Baton Rouge, the capital of the state of Louisiana in the USA, when married couples encouraged the mayor, governor and bishop to declare Valentine's Day today "We believe in the anniversary". The event was very successful and the idea was presented and adopted by Other organizations that encourage marriage around the world.
In 1982, 43 U.S. governors announced the day and the festivities spread to U.S. military bases in foreign countries. In 1993 Pope John Paul II dedicated his greetings to World Anniversary and since then World Anniversary celebrations have continued to spread around the world.

World Anniversary Symbol - Link

Happy anniversary- wood wedding

 Happy 5th anniversary- wood wedding 

The 5th anniversary is the wood wedding. The suggested modern gifts are silverware.

cute Happy wood Anniversary greeting cardsHappy 5th Anniversary greeting cards
Happy 5th Anniversary greeting cardsHappy 5th Anniversary greeting cards
Happy 5th Anniversary greeting cards

Happy Anniversary greeting cards

Happy Anniversary greeting cardsHappy Anniversary greeting cards
Happy Anniversary greeting cardsHappy Anniversary greeting cards
Happy Anniversary greeting cardsHappy Anniversary greeting cards


Waiters' Day - September 25th

What is a good waiter? A good waiter is someone who serves you quickly and efficiently, who gives you everything you ask and does not forget you, who gives you attention and comes to ask if you need something and most importantly - all courteously with a smile. A good waiter can make the dining experience at the restaurant pleasant and in the opposite case, a poor waiter can make her become a disaster, no matter how tasty the food will be. (Written in masculine but the intention is also for the female of course).

According to statistics, the vast majority of people do not leave proper tips for waiters. Some people leave no tip at all. Think about how skilled the waitress's work is. They have to work long hours on their feet, treat their guests with dedication and courtesy, with a lot of patience, walk carefully with a lot of balance and coordination, trays filled with dishes from the kitchen to the table and back, to be attentive and alert to everything the customer wants Concentrated and with a good memory for all the guests' requests during the meal, before and after and everything to do without complaining and without showing that it is hard!

So it's good to have the day of the waiters, the day you show the waiters and waitresses the world appreciation and appreciation. According to the website, the day of the waiters is designed to change the perception of restaurant service as if it is unprofessional or inferior work. People think that anyone can be a waiter, but the truth is that in order to be a waiter, you need a lot of skills (as described above). So on the day of the waiters, if you are going to a restaurant, look at the waiter or waitress you know best, smile at them and say thank you. Do not take their service for granted and remember that they are just like you. And of course leave a nice tip.

September 25th is also Dream Day

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