Two Different Colored Shoes Day - May 3

May 3 each year is Two Different Colored Shoes Day. Every morning we wake up, get dressed and put on matching shoes without thinking about it. The shoes are of course the same because if we go with a pair of shoes where each shoe is different everyone will look at us as if we have fallen from the moon.

We can express ourselves in many ways, but why not kick conventions one day and leave the house with two shoes in two different colors? Dr. Arlene Kaiser was tired of the same shoe locking ceremony (which are usually in black, brown or white) and decided to create a special day where everyone wears two shoes in two colors.

This day is meant to make us all appreciate our diversity and self-expression.

So go ahead, one day a year do not consider what the society tells us is normal, choose two different shoes in different colors and go with them to work or school. Yes, people will look at you but what do you care, you know how important to diversify.

To the website of Dr. Arlene Kaiser, who wears two shoes in two colors.

Two Different Colored Shoes Day

May 3 is also Garden Meditation Day

Garden Meditation Day - May 3

One of the things that can soothe the best mind in life is to cultivate a garden. It does not matter if it is in the yard of a private house or on the balcony of an apartment, a green garden is peaceful and contributes to health and the more well-kept it is, the better. The quiet dripping sound of the water, the buzz of the insects pollinating the flowers, the chirping of the birds among the trees, it all makes you feel like you have a piece of mid-life paradise. So what better place to sit and relax and meditate?

Garden Meditation Day encourages us to take time and enjoy our decency by connecting to our self.
Garden Meditation Day was developed by C.L., known as "Lady Garden" from At her site you will see her great devotion to the wonders of the plant world and the wonderful things we can do in our home with gardens. She believes that gardens can help connect us to ourselves and the natural world, and also to each other in deep and exciting ways. That is why she decided to set up a whole month of holidays in honor of the gardens, and the day of meditation in the garden is one of those days.

Gardens have a long history that is found in every country and time period around the world. Throughout history gardens have been used for many purposes, from simple backyard gardens used as playgrounds for family games and parties, to extensive and complex gardens, designed just and called 'official gardens', such as gardens of royal and noble families that were a magnificent display of their high status.
Even if you have a small and modest garden, the green it brings into your life can give you lots of peace in the middle of the stressful day activities and the meditation day in the garden is designed to sit you in your garden and relax through meditation.

How to celebrate Meditation Day in the Garden?
Meditation has a long history as a way to calm our minds and spirits, and garden meditation truly connects you to nature and humanity at the same time. You can enter the garden for a private moment of self-observation, or you can join others in meditations in public gardens organized all over the world. Want to spread the love of gardening and maybe show off a little in your garden? You can organize a meditation in your private garden and invite friends and family to come and join you for a day of relaxation and peace of mind.

Floor Pillow, Square Meditation Pillow

International Harry Potter Day - May 2

International Harry Potter Day is celebrated on May 2 each year, to commemorate the end of the Battle of Hogwarts, where many characters found their deaths. On the one hand, it's a happy day for the victory in the battle of Harry Potter and the scorching loss of Lord Voldemort, but on the other hand it's also a day of mourning for the departure of the all-important characters.

Former British Prime Minister David Cameron announced the day in 2012. Cameron issued an official statement announcing that the reason for the announcement of this special day was to commemorate the work of writer JK Rowling, who has significantly influenced culture all over the world. Harry Potter also holds the Guinness Book of Records as the best-selling series by a single writer, with more than 500 million copies.

Some interesting facts about Harry Potter

Rowling's magical book was rejected by publishers 12 times before being accepted by Bloomsbury Books.

Rowling began writing Harry Potter in her apartment at Clapham Junction in London. The idea for the series originally came to her on train from Manchester to London.

In addition to the Harry Potter series, Rowling also writes fictional crime books under the pen name Robert Galbraith.

In 2020, the author, JK Rowling, donated a million pounds to UK charities, which help homeless people and victims of domestic violence, to increase their support for the most vulnerable sections of the popolation in the  coronavirus pandemic era. Rowling wrote on her Twitter: "Today’s the 22nd anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, but I’m going to be honest and say that it feels inappropriate to talk about fictional deaths today. Too many people are losing loved ones in the real world"

Harry Potter's birthday falls on July 31 (read more).

How to celebrate Harry Potter Day?

Enjoy the Harry Potter books or movies at home.

Visit the official Harry Potter website where you will find activities related to the world of Harry Potter's magic and sorcery. Link to official website. You can join the official fan club through the site and discover new things published by JK Rowling, and read more about the world of wizards.

Have a trivia evening with family or friends about Harry Potter. Play trivia games and find out who knows the most about Harry Potter and the rest of the characters and stories in the series.

Have a Harry Potter theme party, with Harry Potter costumes and a set design that fits the series.

Make Harry Potter-themed DIY creations, like Harry Potter sculptures from all kinds of materials you have in the house, make decorated Harry Potter themed cakes, special-colored drinks reminiscent of Harry Potter potions and everything you love about the series.

Publish Harry Potter posts and photos on social media with the hashtag #harrypotterday


May 2 is also Baby Day

Baby Day - May 2

They are soft, pleasant, smiling and sweet. Sometimes they cry, sometimes they laugh and when they sleep they are the cutest. May 2 is a day dedicated to babies - to celebrate the birth of the babies closest to us, to organize activities for mothers and fathers with babies, to raise awareness of the safety required in an environment where babies grow up and to think maybe we should have a baby?

In honor of Baby Day, get some fun facts about babies you may not have known:

A human baby has more than 60 bones than an adult.

A newborn baby has a total of one cup of blood in his body.

From birth to weaning, an infant changes about 8,000 diapers on average.

Neuroscientists believe that babies do not dream in the first years of life.

Babies are born without bacteria in their bodies.

Babies have three times more taste buds than adults.

In the cosmetics industry, baby foreskins are often used.

Parents of new babies lose on average hours of sleep that add up to 6 months in the first two years of their child's life.

In the first months of life, newborns can only see in black and white.

According to studies, babies born prematurely have a greater tendency to be left-handed.

Until 1985, doctors believed that babies did not feel pain and performed surgeries without anesthesia.

A study found that breastfed mothers had 22% less Alzheimer's than non-mothers.

1 in 1,500 babies are born with a closed anus.

Every year, about 100,000 cocaine-addicted babies are born in the United States as a result of their mothers using this drug during pregnancy.

James Harrison has donated blood more than 1,000 times, saving over 2 million babies from Rhesus disease.

One woman in Michigan managed to have three children on 8/8/88, 9/9/99 and 10/10/10.

According to studies, women who snore during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to small babies.

Every 30 seconds a baby with a birth defect is born in China.

Over 90% of women who find that a baby has mercy with Down syndrome genes prefer to have an abortion and not continue the pregnancy.

In 2005 a baby was born in Egypt with another connected Siamese head that could blink and smile. This condition is called Craniopagus parasiticus.

Babies are born with a self-awareness that allows them to distinguish between their bodies and the bodies of other people.

During pregnancy, if the mother suffers damage to her organ, the baby in her womb sends stem cells to repair the damaged organ.

In Belgium, a 20-month-old baby named Bryce Brites was signed by a football club and thus became the youngest professional football player ever.

In the 1920s, it was common to use cages for babies hanging outside in the United States.
In Brazil, breast milk is distributed to mothers who are unable to breastfeed.

Between 1838 and 1960, more than half of the pictures people would take were of babies.

Every year, about a million abortions of female fetuses are performed in China and tens of thousands of infant girls are abandoned because of the country's only child policy.

International Workers' Day - May 1st

The 1st of May every year is International Workers' Day, which is a day of identification and struggle for the working class, better working conditions and the strengthening of workers' organizations.

Labor Day is a very old holiday. It began in the 1980s, when workers demanded that the working day be limited to eight hours. Workers' unions in Toronto, Canada, demonstrated on April 15, 1872, for the release of 24 printing workers who went on strike in order to limit the working day to 9 hours. They were arrested because workers' union and strike were then illegal. May 1 was set as the ultimatum to change the workday to 8 hours. The workers' demands were not met and they launched a general strike. On May 4, 1886, a demonstration in the city of Chicago went out of control and turned into a riot, killing about 60 protesters and seven policemen. Following this, the socialist movement turned its flag into a red flag, as a reminder of the blood of the working class that was shed. The riots that erupted that day were called the Haymarket affair.
Today the holiday is celebrated in most countries of the world.

In the photo: the demonstration in the Haymarket affair, May 15, 1886

May 1st is also Lei Day

Bugs Bunny Day - April 30th

April 30 is the birthday of Bugs Bunny, the most famous rabbit in the world, who first appeared on this date in 1938.
Bugs Bunny is the star of the cartoon series "Looney Tunes" and "Merry Melodies" produced by the Warner Brothers.

The character of Bugs Bunny is a character of a trickster who likes to do pranks. He was famous for saying, "What's up, Doc?" Said while chewing raw carrots.
Bugs Bunny was originally voiced by Mel Blanc, "The Man with a Thousand Voices," dubbed by Jewish-American cartoons that lived between the years 1908-1989. Blanc also dubs Duffy Duck, Tweety Bird, Yosemite Sam, Porky Pig, Sylvester Cat, Speedy Gonzalez, the Tasmanian Devil and more.

While recording the voice of Bugs Bunny, Blanc used to chew raw carrots and spit it immediately into a marzipan, as swallowing the carrots would take too long. There were attempts to use other fruits and vegetables to make the sound but they were unsuccessful because the sound made was not similar enough to the sound of chewing carrots. There was a rumor that Blanc was allergic to carrots and that's why he would spit it out, but that's not true.
The origin of the name "Bugs Bunny" came from the animator Ben Hardaway, who created Bugs 'sketch in 1938. Ben's nickname was Bugs and when he drew the rabbit, he wrote under the drawing "Bugs' Bunny".
In the cartoon series based on the cartoons, Bugs Bunny's real name is George Washington Bunny.
Bugs Bunny has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

April 30 is also International Jazz Day

International Jazz Day - April 30th

Jazz Day encourages jazz fans all over the world to attend or initiate festivals, events and jazz parties.
If you like jazz, take your trumpet, saxophone, piano or clarinet and start playing. If you do not play, you will probably find an event that has jazz music nearby.
International Jazz Day is an annual event that takes place every year on April 30th. The event was set up by UNESCO to celebrate "the virtues of jazz as an educational tool and a force for peace, unity, dialogue and enhanced cooperation between people."

Jazz day

The day was announced during the UNESCO General Conference in November 2011. The first annual International Jazz Day was celebrated in Paris by UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova and UNESCO Ambassador of Goodwill Herbie Hancock.
April 30 is also Bugs Bunny Day

Zipper Day - April 29th

It is found on bags, coats, pants and boots. It is really impossible to imagine life without it- the zipper. They are so common and the truth is also not so noticeable, that it is easy to take them for granted. But when they break down, it's impossible ...
Zipper Day comes to remind us of the origin and history of this useful and wonderful invention that accompanies us almost everywhere.
The exact zipper's birthday is controversial, but the zipper day is traditionally celebrated on April 29th. On this day in 1913, Swedish-American scientist and inventor Gideon Sundback registered his strange device as a patent. Although there were similar inventions around the 1850s, its version is accepted as the first modern zipper.

The zipper quickly found where to fit into modern life, for example the United States military adopted it for uniforms and bags. The zipper is a functional and fashionable accessory, sometimes it even appears as an ornament. There is no doubt that the invention of Sundback has improved our lives and deserves us to dedicate a special day to it!

zipper day

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