Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Coloring pages of fruits and vegetables

 ​Coloring pages for children who learn about fruits and vegetables. and how much they are importent for our health. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals and help the body develop a strong immune system that protects us from disease and gives us lots of strength. Learning about fruits and vegetables from an early age has a lot of importance. Painting fruit and vegetable drawings can be very fun and encourage kids to eat them. During coloring, the subject can be mediated to the child when asked how each fruit and vegetable contributes to our body health and why it is so important.

 To print the page you would like to color, click on download page and then click Ctrl+P.
Strawberry coloring pagevegetables coloring pageCorn coloring page
educational coloring pages- Pumpkin coloring pageGrapes coloring pageBroccoli coloring page 
Pear coloring pagecoloring pages - carrots
educational coloring page healthy dietcoloring page for kidseggplant coloring page
food coloring pagehealthy food coloring pageMushroom coloring page 
healthy food vegetables coloring pagePea coloring pageCabbage coloring page
Lettuce coloring pageLemon coloring pageseducational coloring pages for kids- apple
Onion coloring pageCute coloring page - fruits banana, watermelon, strawberry and cherry kawaiicoloring pages - fruits and vegetables
Girl holding fruits basket coloring pagePineapple printable coloring pagevegetables coloring page

World Heart Day - September 29

Heart Day is part of an international campaign to spread awareness of heart disease and stroke prevention. This is the perfect day to quit smoking, start exercising and start eating healthy - all to keep your most important organ healthy.

The World Heart Federation has found that heart disease and stroke are the leading cause of death in the world, killing 17.1 million people each year - more than cancer, HIV, AIDS and malaria.
Overeating, inactivity, unhealthy diet and high blood pressure, cholesterol and high blood glucose levels are all factors that can cause heart disease and threaten our lives and those of our loved ones. Heart Day was established to convey the message that heart problems can be prevented for every home in the world.

The goal is to improve health in the world by encouraging people to make lifestyle changes and promoting education in the world to maintain the heart. This rate is becoming more and more relevant and reports of obesity, poor nutrition and inactivity in children and young people are becoming more and more common.
On this day will be held to promote a healthy heart. Charities and other organizations coordinate trips and runs, health tests, public discourse, plays, exhibitions and all kinds of interesting and informative events that deal with the topic of the day. So go ahead, you too on Heart Day, be more involved in keeping it up, eat fruits and vegetables and go out for a walk or run; Both you and your heart will feel the benefits.

In honor of International Heart Day, get some interesting facts about our heart:

Every day, the heart generates enough energy to pull a truck for 32 km (20 miles).

The heart can continue to beat even if it is separated from the body because it has its own electrical impulse.

75 trillion cells in the body receive blood from the heart. The units that are not the corneas.

Experiencing an orgasm at least 3 times a week halves the chance of coronary heart disease.

In women, instead of chest pain during heart attacks appear nausea, indigestion, and shoulder pain.

The heart beats more than 100,000 times a day.

Studies have found that vegetarians who avoid meat are 26-68% less likely to get heart disease. Vegans, who avoid meat, milk and eggs, reduce their chance of heart disease by 75%.

Owning a cat can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes by more than a third, according to studies.

According to recent studies, multivitamins actually increase the risk of cancer and heart disease.

The heartbeat changes and mimics the music we listen to.

Our left lung is smaller than our right lung to make room for the heart.

One man in the U.S. received a heart donation from a suicide victim, married his widow and a few years later committed suicide in the same way his donor did.

Eating dark chocolate every day reduces the chance of developing heart disease by a third.

Couples in love synchronize the heart rate they look at each other in the eyes for three minutes.

Banana Lovers Day- August 27

Banana is undoubtedly one of the most popular fruits in the world. Who doesn't like a banana in any way? You can eat it with fresh fruit, mashed, smoothies, ice cream, dry fruit, some dessert (like fruit salad, banana split) and more. Sure everyone will find the way he likes a banana.

Most Americans love bananas and have declared August 27 as a banana-lovers holiday.

Banana is a very healthy fruit: it contains a significant amount of protein, vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and fiber.

If you eat one banana every day, it will certainly contribute to your health to a great extent.

To celebrate banana lovers' day, get some interesting and surprising facts about bananas:

Bananas, like apples and watermelons, can float on water.  

Bananas do not grow on trees. The banana plant is actually the largest grass in the world. The banana has no stem with a regular tree, but a thick stem composed of layers (similar to onions) called a stem.

The scientific name of the banana is Musa sapientum, which means "fruit of the sages."

The source of the cultural banana, the edible variety, is in Southeast Asia. They started eating it already in the prehistoric period.

The banana arrived in America in the 16th century, by the Spanish who came to the mainland.

The only place in the US where bananas are commercially grown is Hawaii, with most bananas coming from Latin America and South America, including Costa Rica, Ecuador, Colombia, Honduras, Panama, Guatemala.

The type of banana that is sold in the supermarket is called Cavendish banana.

In the past there was a popular variety of Banana in America called Gross Michel, which was extinct in the 1940s, because of a mushroom that spread and attacked the crop and caused the "Panama disease".

A cluster of bananas is called a hand, and one banana is called a finger. Each banana hand has about 10 to 20 fingers.  

About 75% of the weight of the banana is water.

Japan uses bananas to make fabrics and paper.

Other interesting uses for banana:

Bananas help to reduce depression. Studies have found that people who have suffered from depression and ate bananas have significantly improved their mood. This is because the banana contains tryptophan - a substance that the body turns into serotonin, which raises mood.

Rubbing the inside of the skin of the banana on the skin in case of a mosquito bite (or other insect) helps to prevent the itching and the development of inflammation.

If you have a wart rubbing the inside of the shell every night, it can cause the wart to disappear within a week or two, because of the potassium in the cortex.

Banana is good for athletes - Banana has three types of natural sugars, which together with the nutritional fibers they provide instant energy and quality. The low-fat banana is easy to digest and has essential carbohydrates to supply energy before, during, and after exercise.

The banana has a lot of iron and is therefore good against anemia.

The banana is good for relieving stress and tension. The bananas have high levels of vitamin B, which helps calm the nervous system. When we are under stress, the metabolic rate accelerates and the level of potassium in the body decreases. Potassium is a mineral that helps maintain heart rate, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates fluid levels in the body. Therefore eating banana increases the level of potassium in the body and calms the stress.

Rubbing a banana peel on the teeth for about two minutes each night will whiten your teeth naturally. The results come in about two weeks. This works because of the effect of potassium, magnesium and manganese in banana peel.  

Bananas are also a great hair conditioner that helps to restore dry and damaged hair. Cook a banana and add a tablespoon of cream and a tablespoon of honey to the mixture. When it cools, place on dry hair, cover with a bathing cap and then wrap in a warm towel. Leave everything on the hair for an hour and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Then overlap the head with shampoo.  

Rubbing a banana peel on the forehead can help cure a headache.

Bananas and banana peel become excellent fertilizer for the soil because they contain phosphorus and potassium. The roses especially love them.  

Rubbing the inside of a banana peel on leaves of potted plants will make them shiny.

You can use the banana peel to clean and polish leather shoes.

With banana peel you can make excellent polish for silver. Rub the dishes with the inside and then move with a cloth and the dishes are polished and sparkling.

Coca Cola inventor John Pemberton's birthday- July 8th

Did you know that Coca-Cola was originally created as a medicine and that it is named after the two main ingredients in it: Coca-Cola?
Coca is a shrub from which cocaine is produced and cola is a nut that grows in the rainforests of Africa. But do not worry, Coca-Cola no longer has cocaine.

When American pharmacist John Pemberton first invented Coca-Cola, in 1886, it was as a result of a search for a non-alcoholic version of his Coca-Cola wine.
John Pemberton was born on July 8, 1831 in the US state of Georgia. As a soldier he fought in the American Civil War in the Confederate Army (South) and was wounded in the Battle of Columbus.
He received morphine from the military doctors and became addicted to it.

After completing his military service he worked as a pharmacist and began looking for a cure for addiction. He brewed himself a wine from cola nuts and added the coca plant to it, until he finally managed to invent the "Pemberton's French Wine Coca". When he saw that his wine was helping him cope with the pain, he began selling it to other military veterans suffering from morphine addiction, depression and alcoholism, as well as to women suffering from nervous weakness (neurasthenia).
In 1885, drought laws were enacted in Georgia, prohibiting the production, sale and drinking of alcohol. Pemberton was forced to create a non-alcoholic version of his wine drink. He worked hard to create a recipe for a non-alcoholic version, until in 1886 he invented a secret recipe according to which he decided to mix his Coca-Cola syrup with soda water. He sold it for five cents a glass as a patent. People at the time believed that carbonated water was good for their health, and Pemberton claimed that its special soda was a drug for morphine addiction, indigestion, neurasthenia, headaches and other health problems. In May of that year, Pemberton founded the Coca-Cola Company and marketed the drink as having medicinal properties and as a drug for morphine or opium addiction.

It is estimated that the original Coca-Cola recipe contained about nine milligrams of cocaine in a glass. The average dose of cocaine is between 15 and 35 milligrams. However, the effect of coca leaves was balanced in the presence of the caffeine in the cola nut. In 1903 cocaine was removed from the secret recipe but Coca-Cola still has the flavor of the coca plant.
The first Coca-Cola model, Hilda Clark, in an advertisement from 1890 in which she offers a glass of Coca-Cola for the price of 5 cents.

Hilda Clark in a Coca-Cola commercial, The Ideal Brain Tonic, A drink for summer and winter, especially for headaches, relieves mental and physical exhaustion
Coca Cola vintage radio

World Parkinson’s Disease Day- April 11

World Parkinson's Day is celebrated on April 11, in honor of the birthday of Dr. James Parkinson, the English physician who discovered and described the disease.

On this day, efforts are being made to increase public awareness of this terrible disease, to honor the hard and good work that world health organizations have done to eradicate the disease and to support Parkinson's patients and their families all over the world.


One popular way to support awareness of this disease is to participate in marathons in cities around the world. The number of participating countries is expanding every year, including Australia, Uruguay, Mexico, Bolivia, the United States and other countries.

Dr. Parkinson first described the disease in his 1817 essay “An Essay on the Shaking Palsy” He described a pattern of reduced muscle strength, involuntary tremor, disturbances in balance, and instability in walking.

One of the most prominent symbols of Parkinson's disease is the red tulip, which was set on the 9th global anniversary of Parkinson's disease at the Luxembourg Conference. The story of the red tulip is linked to a Dutch horticulturalist named J.W.S. Van der Wereld, who was living with Parkinson’s and developed a new red and white variant of the tulip. He named his newly cultivated flower the Dr James Parkinson tulip in honour of the medico who first documented the features of Parkinson’s disease in his 1817 publication An Essay on the Shaking Palsy.

This colorful flower received the Excellence Award, from the Royal Horticultural Association of London.

What is Parkinson's disease? Parkinson's is a disorder that causes degeneration of the central nervous system, and directly affects the nerves that handle motor functions throughout the body. The disease is caused by a lack of the neurotransmitter dopamine, due to the degeneration of the group of black matter cells (Substania Nigra) in the brain. As the disease progresses, the organs' slowness and stiffness increase, involuntary tremors appear, speech becomes weak, monotonous and stuttering and eventually more and more motor functions are impaired. Patients also suffer from memory problems that worsen over time, although the ability to think logically is not impaired. In 80-50% of cases the disease begins with a tremor in one of the palms.

There is pharmacological treatment for Parkinson's disease that delays the development of the disease if it was discovered at the beginning, and treatments of conventional medicine that help reduce the symptoms. All schools of medicine (alternative and conventional) recommend exercise and keeping the brain as "active" as possible in daily life to prevent the development of the disease.


Celebrities suffering from Parkinson's disease

Actor Michael J. Fox contracted Parkinson's in 1990. Fox is an avid follower of Parkinson's disease research and attempts to find a cure for it. To this end, Fox established the Michael J. Fox Foundation in 2000 to promote the finding of a cure for Parkinson's disease.

Professional cyclist and Olympic medalist Davis Phinney, who was diagnosed with Parkinson's at the young age of 40, founded the Davis Phinney Foundation in 2004 to support Parkinson's research, focusing on the quality of life of people with the disease.

Boxer Muhammad Ali showed signs of Parkinson's when he was 38, but was not diagnosed until the age of 42, and was called "the most famous Parkinson's patient in the world."

How to mark Parkinson's Day?

What can you do to help on this important day? As mentioned above there are many marathons and marches that take place in different countries to help raise funds for research into the disease. If you are in a place that has such a marathon, you can attend or set up a stall of refreshments, shirts or various items and donate the money to health organizations that are engaged in researching the disease. You can learn about the disease and share the information with as many people as possible, so that they know how important it is to detect the disease from the very beginning in order to delay its development.


Carrot Day - April 4th

International Carrot Day is celebrated every year on April 4 in honor of the carrot - the (usually) orange root healthy vegetable that stars in so many recipes. Carrot Day was founded in 2003 to spread information about carrots and their good qualities around the world.
Every year the day becomes more and more popular and is reported to be celebrated already in France, Italy, Sweden, Russia, Australia, Britain and Japan. So now it's your turn to be the carrot ambassador and keep spreading the message!

Carrots are a root vegetable, usually orange in color, although there are purple, black, red, white and yellow varieties. Carrots are a domesticated type of wild carrot, probably originating in Afghanistan, which is still the center for various types of carrots. The most common part of eating the plant is the root, although the stems and leaves can also be eaten. Carrots are a key ingredient in many dishes, salads and cakes in many regional cuisines.
Carrot is a  biennial plant of the Apiaceae family. At first it grows a rosette of leaves as the root develops. The carrot has a flower with five petals separated by a yellowish-white color and five stamens. The flowers attract insects that move the seeds and thus aid in the pollination process of the carrots. Carrots grow quickly and ripen within three months (90 days) after sowing the seed. Varieties that ripen more slowly need a longer month (120 days).
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reports that global production of carrots and turnips (these plants are incorporated by the FAO) for 2018 was 40 million tonnes, with 45% of the world grown in China.

Nutritional values
Carrot roots contain high amounts of alpha and beta carotene, a substance used to make vitamin A and it is the one that gives carrots their orange color. They are a good source of vitamin K and vitamin B6. Carrot roots are also rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants and minerals.
Did you know that over-consumption of beta carotene can cause the skin to get an orange-yellow tint?
Carrots are also good for dieting because they contain dietary fiber that contributes to the feeling of satiety and is therefore considered an excellent snack.
Does carrots improve eyesight?
There is a myth that vitamin A improves vision, but the improvement is only in case there is a deficiency in vitamin A, and carrots do not really have virtues for improving vision. The myth that carrots improve eyesight at night was spread during World War II for the purpose of military propaganda by the British Air Force. They argued this to explain why their pilots had improved their success during air battles at night, but in fact the argument was used to disguise advances in radar technology and the use of red lights on instrument panels.

How to celebrate Carrot Day?
Gather your friends for a carrot party. For a first course, serve freshly cut carrots (in all kinds of colors), or a carrot salad. For a main course, you can eat any dish that contains carrots, and for dessert, a carrot cake. A recommended drink is carrot juice of course.
Dress is an important part of the celebration - for the carrot party, wear an orange shirt and a green hat, or orange pants and a green shirt. If you do not want to be meticulous in the mitzvos, you can just wear something symbolic orange.
carrot day

April 4 is also Rat Day

National Day Without Bra- October 13th

A day without a bra is a day that began in 2011.

The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the importance of screening tests for breast cancer by encouraging women to go out without a bra.

The entire month of October is the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, with its peak on Oct. 21, a pink dress-up day where pink events are organized and money is raised to improve breast cancer treatment and raise awareness of the disease.

Every year about 4,500 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. In the Western world, this is the most common malignant disease. Early diagnosis of breast cancer increases the chances of cure to about 90%. Therefore, the more women who know the symptoms of the disease and check with the doctor, the greater the chance of saving their lives.

The origin of the day without a bra is not clear, but if you search the web for # nbraday # you will get many photos and results related to this day, of women who participated on this day and removed the bra especially for him.

For the 13th of October, leave the bras at home and tell everyone why you did it, and raise awareness of the early detection of the disease, which can save lives.

Doctors' Day - March 30

National Doctors' Day is a holiday in the United States, designed to recognize Doctors' contribution to the lives and communities of the individual. 
The date varies from country to country depending on the commemorative event used to mark the day.
In some countries the day is celebrated as a real holiday. On Doctors' Day Health organizations usually organize festive lunches for medical staff in which they are given symbolic gifts of appreciation. An old custom that exists is to send a greeting card or red Dianthusto to doctors and their spouses, and lay flowers on the graves of deceased doctors.

Doctors' Day was first on March 28, 1933 in Winder, Georgia. On October 30, 1990, President Bush signed the official law that March 30 each year would be a national holiday in the United States in honor of doctors.
March 30 is also Doctors' Day in Australia.
Doctors' Day is designed to highlight the contribution of doctors to community life and strengthen the bond between citizens and doctors.
We are used to going to them for small things like colds, prescriptions or certificate of illness and sometimes even for major illnesses.
Many times we wait long minutes in line until we enter and then they tell us that "it's just a virus" or that it is "nothing" and give a prescription for painkillers.

They see so many people and so many problems during the day that we seem transparent to them.
Doctor's Day is meant to remind us that the doctor is a person who has chosen medicine to help people, out of a sense of mission and interest. Every doctor has the reason why he chose to practice medicine.
It is today to say thank you to your doctor and wish Happy Doctor Day!

National Moldy Cheese Day- 9 October

October 9 is the day of the blue cheese- molded cheese.
When we hear about eating mold, we are usually scared and afraid that it is dangerous, but if you do not know, mold cheeses have many health benefits.
Cheese with mold are cheeses with blue and green spots. Among the types of cheeses are: Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Steelton, Durbello, Cambazzola, Danbello, Camelost and more.
The origin of the mold is not spoilage of the cheese, but cultures of funcillium species, the type of fungi discovered by Alexander Fleming in the 1940s that can inhibit bacterial growth.
Just as penicillin-containing drugs are used to treat infections, molded cheeses have the ability to fight infections.
The taste of the blue cheeses is sharp and salty and has a strong and unpleasant smell (because of the bacterial cultures). They add good taste to salads, bread, pasta and many other dishes.
  As we have said before, the health benefits of blue cheeses are many, among which you can find the anti-inflammatory properties they have, which can help them in inflammatory situations such as arthritis and other infections.
Other benefits include heart protection, diet help, their contribution to satiety, fighting bacteria, relieving irritable bowel syndrome, preventing bone loss by containing vitamin K2, which maintains bone density, and enhancing the effectiveness of vaccines because they contain catabacillus bacteria.
In conclusion, in honor of Blue Cheese Day, go to the supermarket near you, buy moldy cheese and add it to your daily menu to gain good health and longevity!

Blue cheese (link)

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