Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts

Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day - April 21st

Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day is a special day dedicated to the breed of dog that many people love to raise as a pet.

What is special about bulldogs is mainly the wrinkled appearance of their face. They have a short, flat face with lots of folded fur and that is what makes them such sweet and popular.

The history of the Bulldogs

The history of the English Bulldog is not so pleasant. Originally the breed was cultivated to help bullfighters in the 15th century for centuries. Hence the name of the Bulldogs - Bull+dog. The bulldog was used as bait for bulls because they thought that stimulating the bulls before slaughter would soften their meat. This practice also became a brutal popular sport in which bulls were bullied in bulldogs until the dogs and / or bulls were severely injured or killed.

In those years, bulldog breeders would encourage their aggression to brutally fight bulls. The average weight of a bulldog would reach 80 pounds so they would be strong and able to overcome a bull. Happily, the use of dogs as bait was outlawed in 1835. Since then, the bulldog's fighting ability has disappeared and they have become comfortable, loyal and gentle dogs. Their average weight today ranges from 50 to 55 pounds.

The modern bulldog is gentle, kind and has a stable temperament. They may be short, but capable of great power and are especially loyal and brave when it comes to their human friends, especially children. They can be great watch dogs. Their muscular and tense appearance can be intimidating and even though they are usually lazy, when provoked they are not afraid to show presence.

In England, the Bulldog accompanies John Bull, a fictional figure who symbolizes the country first painted in 1712.

In the U.S. Bulldogs are ranked fourth as the most popular dog breed. The Bulldog is also a beloved mascot used in sports teams, the U.S. Marine Corps, Yale University and more.

The French Bulldog is a small breed of English Bulldog originally developed in France. Among the theories about the development of the breed there is a belief that in the 19th century, women from England took small bulldogs with them when looking for work in France in weaving. In the places where they settled, the Bulldogs became popular as loyal rat catchers and they began to reproduce. The reason they were smaller is probably a genetic defect that actually appealed to people and caused them to reproduce.

How to celebrate Bulldogs are beautiful day?

On this special day, bulldog beauty pageants take place in many places. Bulldog owners pamper them with their favorite snacks and delicious stews. There are those who buy them cute costumes and toys. Other ways to celebrate Bulldogs are beautiful are to volunteer at a pet shelter, go for a walk with your bulldog in the park, it is advisable to visit a dog corner where he can play with other dogs. The bulldog is considered a relatively lazy dog, so a 15 minute walk will suffice for him. If you take him to the dog park, he will probably prefer to lie down and look at the other dogs. But not bad, he's still going to have fun.

And do not forget - if you have a bulldog, today is the day to take pictures of him and upload to social networks.

April 21 is also Kindergarten Day

Puppy Day - March 23

Puppy Day is the day to celebrate the joy and happiness of raising cute puppies at home. What fun it is to raise dogs from the first days of their lives. It does not have to be a dog, it can be either a cat or a hamster. It is today to go to charities and adopt a small dog or cat puppy, respond to ads that offer for the adoption of puppies and thereby help abandoned puppies who have nowhere to grow.

happy puppy day

animated gifs of puppies                           Coloring pages of puppies               

International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day- February 23

Every dog has its day and today is definitely the day of the dogs! February 23 is the holiday of appreciation for dog biscuits.
Dog biscuits were invented in the mid-19th century by James Spratt, an American manufacturer who visited Liverpool, England and saw there how dogs like to eat their owners' toast and cookies.
He thought the idea of making special biscuits for dogs, which would also contain meat and vegetables, would be wonderful and he returned from London with a secret recipe and opened Spratt's, the first company in the world to produce biscuits for dogs.


Today many dogs enjoy their special biscuits and they are also often used in training and as rewards in training programs.
There are many types of biscuits for dogs today, including those that clean dogs' teeth.
In honor of Dog Biscuit Day, give your best friend who walks on four biscuits and make his day!


In the photo: My dog smells the biscuits I bought her

Pet Theft Awareness Day- February 14th

 Pet Theft Awareness Day was created by the organization Last Chance for Animals in 1988 to raise awareness of pet theft and teach the public how to keep their animals safe from unscrupulous thieves.

Pet theft is a scourge. Every day, unfortunately, a number of ads are posted on the social media of people who have lost their most precious of all, their beloved dog or cat. The pets that are usually stolen are dogs, but they can also be cats, parrots and any other animal.

Stealing a pet can happen in a matter of seconds. The thieves can pick them up from your yard or porch, if you tied them up outside the store unattended or they roamed freely on a walk in the park. Most pet thefts are not reported, so it is difficult to know how many dogs and cats are stolen each year, but according to the number of posts in the Facebook groups of lost dogs and cats, it can be seen that this is a large number.

Common Causes of Pet Theft (Warning: Unpleasant Content)

Reward: One of the most common reasons for pet theft is when dogs are stolen for sale for profit. Stolen dogs are usually sold to innocent new owners, or to pirate breeders who breed and breed in their backyard purebred dogs whose offspring can be sold. Dogs raised by backyard breeders or so-called "puppy grinders" do not receive proper veterinary care and are often forced to live in appalling living conditions.

Bait or fighting in dog fights: Another shocking phenomenon is to use dogs in fights between them when people gamble money on the dogs. Sometimes small dogs and cats are stolen to serve as bait for dogs to fight among themselves.

How to protect your pets from theft?

Never underestimate. Just as you will never leave a baby or small child unattended, so too with your dog or cat. Always keep them at home, especially when you are not around. Do not leave your animals unattended in the yard. It only takes thieves a minute to steal them away. Don't leave your dog in the car alone.

Take care to identify your pets: Implant a chip at a veterinarian and wear them a collar that has a tag with your name and phone in case the dog or cat manages to escape and gets into the hands of someone who wants to help.

Make sure your pets are spayed or neutered; Neutered and spayed animals are less likely to move away from home to roam and be at risk of extinction.

Make sure you have up-to-date photos of your pets, just in case you need to find them. Make sure their licenses are valid.

Be aware of strangers in your area and report anything unusual, such as suspicious neighborhood activities or a wave of missing pets, to local police and animal control.

What to do if your pet is missing?

Call the police; If your pet has been stolen, ask to file a report to have a record of the theft. Animal theft is illegal and a complaint can be lodged with the police.

Post notices of pet disappearance wherever possible on social media. Add an up-to-date photo and every identifying detail like a collar, special spots, and a description of the dog's behavior toward strangers, so that if someone finds him, he can capture him for you and hold him until you get to pick him up. 

Hang in your neighborhood and wherever the dog may reach "lost" ads with an up-to-date picture of your dog or cat along with your exact contact information.

Contact animal welfare organizations.

Be aware of scams! People may claim to have your pet and insist on a reward before handing it over to you. If a stranger calls and says he has found your pet, make sure he gives you a very detailed description of your pet and sends a picture of him.

One more thing - if you see a dog roaming free on the street, report it on social media for its owner to pick it up and keep it, or if you can, keep it until its owner arrives and explain to them how dangerous it is to let a dog roam the street alone when dog theft is so common.

February 14 is also Valentine's day and Ferris Wheel Day

Golden Retriever Day - February 3rd

Today we celebrate in honor of one of our best and cutest friends, who not only serve as pets that can be played with but also help us professionally many times - the Golden Retriever dogs.
The Golden Retriever dogs, abbreviated as "golden" are dogs with long golden fur (hence their name), which are medium to large in size and friendly and comfortable in nature.
They are not suitable to be guard dogs because they are usually not aggressive, but because of their great tolerance and high potential for training, they are often used as guide dogs for the blind or companion dogs for the disabled. Because of their well-developed sense of smell, the police also use them to detect explosives and they also help with hunting.
The Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular breeds of dogs all over the world.

The name Golden Retriever is derived from the word Retrieve which means "return". In the 19th century the Scots began to use this breed of dog in their hunting expeditions, to help bring in the hunt which was often shot and fallen in a distant and inaccessible place for hunters. The Golden Retriever breed was originally created from a hybrid of stray dogs that were used for hunting and John Newfoundland dogs brought to the UK by fishermen from the island of Newfoundland in North America.

The Golden Retriever Day was created by a Golden Retriever owner named Kristen who realized that there is no day to celebrate in honor of this breed of dog. She founded the Golden Retriever Day on the birthday of her beloved dog.
February 3rd is also Carrot Cake Day and Japanese Setsubun 

Dress up your pet day- January 14

14 January is Dress up your pet day. The temperatures outside are dropping and it's time to dress your dog in a sweater, coat or dress. 
Dress up your pet day was founded in 2009 by celebrity pet lifestyle expert Colleen Paige.
The purpose of this day is to promote awareness of the need for pet adoption, to celebrate and pamper with pets and also to support retail businesses of pet supplies.
This is a day to showcase the clothes you bought for your pet, buy them new clothes and look at animal fashion shows.

"The important thing to remember is not to make pets feel uncomfortable with their clothes," Paige says, "not to laugh at them and embarrass them. To dress them in cute clothes and have fun with them while maintaining their comfort level."
 It is important that you dress your dog in a warm but not too much clothing, pleasant to the touch, not stressful or restrictive. It is very important not to dress them in real fur.
You can also treat them to toys and snacks.
Another fact that is important to note- Dress up your pet day does not support or promote businesses that sell products that include leathers, fur or parts from any type of real animal.
Dog sweater

Dog sweater

Wonderwoman dog
Batman dog

Another Batman dog
Superman dog

Teen Titan dog
Spiderman Dog

Clifford the Big Red Dog ​Coloring Pages​

Drawings of Clifford the Big Red Dog for coloring. Clifford The Big Red Dog is a cute puppy, that was the smallest of all his siblings. He was chosen by a girl named Emily Elizabeth Howard as a birthday present. No one expected Clifford's size to change, but because he received so much love from Emily, he grew to a height of 25 feet (7.5 m). This is why the Howard family had to move to the open spaces of Birdwell Island. Clifford's best friends are Cleo the female poodle who belongs to Mrs. Diller and T-Bone the male yellow bulldog who belongs to Sheriff Lewis. 

Here are coloring pages of Clifford the Big Red Dog. Printable coloring sheets for free you can come back to print and color again and again. Below you will find Clifford the Big Red Dog coloring pages which you can paint for your enjoyment. Choose the coloring page of  Clifford the Big Red Dog you want to paint, print and paint for your enjoyment. To print the page you would like to color, click on page and then click Ctrl+P. You can also save the coloring page in your computer and print later. Have fun!
Clifford plays with Emily, Cleo and T-bone coloring pageClifford with Cleo and T-Bone in sand castleEmily Elizabeth and Clifford coloring page
Clifford drawingClifford splashes drops of water coloring pagesClifford in his doghouse coloring page
Clifford and Emily Elizabeth coloring pageClifford and Elizabeth walking coloring pageCleo Diller coloring page
Clifford Children's Plush ChairDaffodil the rabbit coloring pageT-Bone and Cleo coloring page
Clifford, Cleo and T-Bone play in the water coloring pageEmily Elizabeth and Clifford when he was a little puppyEmily Elizabeth coloring page
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Amazon OriginalClifford the big red dog coloring pageEmily brings birthday cake to Clifford coloring page
Emily E. coloring sheetBailey Mulberry coloring pageSamantha Mulberry coloring page
Clifford the big red dogHappy Birthday Clifford coloring page
Jetta Handover coloring pageClifford, Cleo and T-Bone playJetta and Mac Handover

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