Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Clam Chowder day- 25 February

Clam chowder day is an unofficial, one of food days adopted by the United States.
Clam chowder is a soup containing the axis and oysters, sometimes even pieces of potatoes and onions. Clam chowder is not acceptable to add vegetables, other than carrot (mainly for color). If you insist, you can add a little above or a bay leaf parsley garnish. The origin of clam chowder is cold US states bordering the sea, where you can catch the oysters. The dish popular variously primarily in San Francisco, New England, Manhattan and more.

February 25 is also Kuwait National and Liberation Day

Popcorn Day- 19 January

Popcorn is a dish so simple, but ingenious. The Native Americans invented the popcorn and also used it in jewels (like necklaces).
Popcorn is the ultimate snack for watching movies. You can eat it with salt, butter, caramel-coated, and more.
If you did not know, even popcorn has nutritional value. It contains antioxidants and fiber because it is made of natural cereals (he is healthy as long as not exaggerate with the oil / butter and salt).
In honor of popcorn, put some oil in a saucepan and sprinkle a few grains of corn. Lit the fire under the pot and cover it. Now wait a loud crackling. Shake the pan occasionally so the berries will not burn. Slowly pan will be filled with delicious fresh popcorn. When the crackling stop it is ready. 
Bon Appetit!

Animated gifs of popcorn

January 19 is also Tin Can day

Tin Can Day - January 19

A tin can is a box in which food is stored in an airtight manner without contaminating microenzymes.
We all sometimes buy cans of pickles, olives, tuna or beans and store them in the pantry for hours when needed. Canned food can hold for a long time and is therefore also considered an "emergency" food.

Who Invented the Tin Can?
The canned food preservation process is thought to have been created by the Frenchman Philippe de Girard, and the idea was passed on to the British merchant Peter Durand who served as an agent to register Girard's idea as a patent in 1810.
Girard's idea of ​​preservation was based on an attempt to preserve food in glass containers the year before, by the French confectioner Nicolas Francois Aper, for Napoleon's army.
In 1812 Durand sold his patent to two Englishmen, Brian Donkin and John Hall, who processed the process and product, and set up the world's first commercial cannery in Southark Park, London. In 1813 they produced cans for the British Royal Navy. In 1820, the cans were used for gunpowder, seeds, and turpentine.
The early cans were sealed by soldering with a lead alloy and tin, which could have led to lead poisoning. In 1845, Sir John Franklin's expedition from Britain to the North Pole suffered from severe lead poisoning and was thought to be the result of eating canned food. A more recent study found that the lead poisoning was actually caused by the water pipes on the expedition's ships.
The early cans were sealed by soldering with a lead alloy and tin, which could have led to lead poisoning.

The cans are made of non-perishable metal and therefore cause ecological damage to the earth. It is recommended to recycle them and not throw them in the trash.
In honor of Tin Can Day, you can make creations from cans such as beautiful flower pots, flower vases, tools for storing stationery, a savings account, wind chimes, a bride and groom's car decoration and more.

Lids for closing cans (Source: Amazon

January 19th is also Popcorn Day

Apricots day- 9th January

January 9th is the day of apricots. 

The apricot has plenty of nutritional benefits that not everyone is aware of them: three apricots contain beta carotene that are third of the daily amount you need and you have a respectable amount of fiber, vitamin C and A. 

Fun facts about apricots: 

Apricots day

People grow apricots for 4,000 years. 

The origin of the apricots is China. They came to Europe in the 17th century, when they started trading voyages around the world, and they came to America in the 18th century by the Spanish explorers and quickly became most popular. 

Apricots are very similar to peaches. Both fruits are Prunus genus trees. 

In the 17th century apricots oil served as a remedy for ulcers in England. 

In the apricot core there is a dangerous poison named Cyanogenic. 

In Europe apricot is considered to be used for a long time as an aphrodisiac, and has appeared in this context in the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare and the play of John Webster's "The Duchess of Malfi". 

English folklore claimed that dream about apricots brings good luck. 

The Chinese consider the apricot fruit as a symbol of cowardice. 

The season of the apricot is summer: from mid-May until the end of July. 
Apricots day

January 9 is also Static Electricity Day

Bean Day - January 6th

Beans are a very common superfood around the world and for good reason: they are rich in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals and are also delicious. The beans are a legume that is usually an addition to the main meal, such as in soup, or as a stew in tomato sauce, etc.
In Japan, however, red beans are commonly used as an ingredient in desserts.
In China there are sweets that incorporate red beans or mung beans.
Soy is also a type of bean that originated in China. Soybeans (red) can be used as a tasty and healthy snack and tofu is also made from soy.
The soy sauce, which many use in the kitchen for seasoning, is made from soy. Japanese miso is made from fermented rice and soy.
In Mexican cuisine, beans are the star of many dishes, and in the days of the Wild West in the United States, residents often liked to eat beans.

Bean Day was set for January 6 in memory of the geneticist, also known as the "father of genetics," Gregor Mendel, whose experiments with the pea plant were the basis of modern genetics. The bean day was created in his memory by Paula Bowen who wanted to celebrate a day in honor of Mr. Bean and besides, her father was a farmer who grew beans. The day she found for the celebration was in January, a month she found to be poor on holidays, so she decided it would be the day of Gregor Mendel's death which fell on January 6th 1884.

Why you should eat beans? 

Here are the nutritional benefits of beans:

Beans are an excellent plant source of protein - beans are a healthy substitute for meat, chicken and fish. It contains lots of protein and many nutritionists recommend preferring the protein from the plant over the protein from the animal.

Beans are good for the heart - they are full of soluble dietary fiber that helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, thus balancing blood fats.

The beans are good for the digestive system - the beans are rich in dietary fiber that helps regulate the digestive process and prevent constipation.

Beans are good for the diet - beans on any issue contain between 2% and 3% fat and do not contain cholesterol (as long as it is not processed or cooked with other components that contain fat).

Beans balance sugar levels - Beans have a low glycemic index and a good amount of complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber that slows down the digestive process, which helps maintain blood sugar levels. Maintaining a balance in the sugar level helps prevent fatigue and nervousness and reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Beans fight the accumulated fat in the abdominal area - the soluble dietary fiber in beans helps get rid of the layer of fat around the abdomen that increases the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease.

Convenient to use beans - beans are a legume that is easy to obtain and cook. It can be obtained at any grocery store in its dry, frozen form or in a can and it will not be expensive.

Beans are rich in nutritional values: Beans have protein, complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, B vitamins and minerals such as iron, folic acid, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.

After all the benefits of the beans we have listed, there is no doubt that beans are a food that deserves a special day of its own. In honor of Bean Day, incorporate it into your daily menu. So Happy Bean Day!

bean day

January 6 is also the Epiphany

Whipped Cream Day- January 5

The whipped cream is a national holiday in the United States, but there is no reason why it should not be celebrated all over the world, because the cream can be part of any dessert, and it improves and upgrades every cake, ice cream ball, hot chocolate cake, fruit salad or strawberries.

The whipped cream was popular in the 16th century, and it appeared in the writings of Cristoforo di Messisbugo (Ferrara, 1549), Bartolomeo Scappi (Rome, 1570), Lancelot de Casteau (Liege, 1,604). The whipped cream was then called milk snow and consisted of whipped egg whites, rose water and sugar.
The whipped cream in a tank with nitrogen oxide was invented in 1930 by Charles Getz and Frederick Smith who worked for GFS Chemicals and Marshal Reinka. Both patents were filed and discussed later. Getz's patent was considered illegal but later confirmed in the appeal.
How to celebrate the day of whipped cream?
Very simple - add cream to your coffee, eat strawberries with whipped cream, cake with whipped cream or take a whipped cream container and just squirt whipped cream into your mouth!

January 5 is also Bird Day

Fast Food Day - November 16

Fast food day is a day for all people who are in a hurry and can not spend time preparing meals and eating. Not only do they not have time to prepare the food, they also do not have time to wait for someone else to prepare it for them, even if they are sitting in a restaurant. In short, this is a day for busy people who do not have time for food, and for whom they coined the term "fast food".
Fast food includes mainly things that can be bought at street stalls but also dishes that can be quickly heated in the oven or in the microwave: frozen meals, falafel, toast, pizza, hot dogs, French fries, onion rings, burgers and any dish that can be prepared quickly and without Almost an investment of labor.
Fast food is on the one hand delicious and fun, but on the other hand it is usually saturated with fat and full of calories, so one should be careful with it and not eat it often indiscriminately. Usually the fast food that others prepare for you, and you just have to warm up and eat, contains all sorts of ingredients that make you addicted to it, like sugar and monosodium glutamate, so that the customer will enjoy more and go back to eating. The one who prepares the fast food thinks less about the health of the customers and more thinks about his profits.


The history of the fast food
The need for food to be prepared or served quickly, and to be able to eat it quickly as well, can be attributed to the rising popularity of cars after the end of the First World War. Fast food has begun to find clients among the people who travel on the roads. Whether it was a trip from the village to the city or from city to city for arrangements and treatments, or a trip across countries and continents. The need to find fast food has become stronger over the years.
The restaurant called "The White Castle," first came up with the concept of fast food in 1921, when it began offering burgers for $ 0.05 per serving in Wichita, Kansas. Since then, fast food has become an American institution and from there the love for it began to spread around the world, until today the fast food can be found in every corner.


White Castel's first restaurant, which offered a 5-cent burger. (Image source

The White Castle burger was the first swallow of fast food, but fast food restaurants can be found in almost every ethnic cuisine the world has to offer. From Mexican to Thai cuisine, each kitchen also offers stalls and small shops where you can buy your favorite dish while standing, get it in minutes and finish in seconds.


How to celebrate Fast Food day?
You can eat it outside, in one of the restaurants or buffets that offer it, and you can also prepare it at home. No matter what fast food and where you choose to eat, you will have an appetite!

November 16 is also Button Day

Pasta coloring pages

Coloring pages of pasta, one of the most delicious and beloved foods in the world. Pasta is a celebration of food, so why not color it? Here are paintings of pasta that you can paint for your enjoyment. To print the coloring page of pasta you would like to color, click on it and then click Ctrl+P.

Making pizza coloring pagepizza chef coloring pagepizza baker coloring page
Lady and the Tramp eat pasta coloring pageLady and the Tramp eat pasta coloring pagecoloring page of spaghetti on fork
Cute bowl of pasta coloring pageCute unicorn in a pasta plate coloring pageCats eating spaghetti coloring page
Spaghetti coloring pageUnicorn eats pasta coloring pageCute pasta coloring page
Pasta Pot with Strainer Lid, NonstickBetty Crocker Pizza Maker

Go Cook For Your Pets Day- November 1st

We all love our pets, and a day go cook your pets is a day that takes their pampering to new levels.
On this day, as responsible owners who want to justify the loyalty and affection of your pet, you are asked to stop with the regular canned food that you insist on feeding them every day, and instead cook them a culinary delicacy that will tickle their taste buds and make them happy.
Have you ever felt your heart melt when you fry yourself a schnitzel or meatballs, and your pet just stares at you and seems to ask, "Why do you deserve all this delicious food but I have to eat these dry pebbles all the time?" Have you ever felt guilty about eating fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, nuts, grains and plenty of delicious sweets and snacks, while your pet eats the exact same thing every day?
If so, you'll probably love this little holiday: a day go cook for your pet. Cooking for yourself can offer many benefits - it's cheaper than dining in restaurants, not to mention the control it gives you over what you put into your body - it's time to find out how much fun it can be to cook for your pet too! Needless to say, your little friends are sure to get excited too.


History of the day Go cook for your pet
Go Cook for Your Pet day was invented by the people behind the website who thought it was time for pet owners to start paying more attention to their furry friends' diets. Our pets, they believe, deserve a little more love and attention for all the joy they bring to our lives, and it's hard to disagree with them.


How to celebrate the day Go cook for your pet
This special day is about promoting good nutrition among our beloved pets in order to improve their health and standard of living ... and if that is not a respectable reason, then what is? There are lots of recipes to choose from, both from and from many other sites, so basically, the sky is the limit. However, there are some things to keep in mind, as animals are much more sensitive to certain components than humans, and may even be severely harmed by their consumption. So remember:


Do not spoil the food of your pets - you may like black pepper, salt, cumin or oregano, but your pets do not need them, and they may even cause their stomachs to respond poorly.
No need to add sauce- they do not need it.
Do not change your pet's diets overnight. Make the change from one type of food to another gradually so that they can get used to it.
If your pet is suffering from any health condition, consult a veterinarian before feeding on anything new.
Avoid feeding your pets garlic, onions, foods with mold or oils, salt, alcohol, coffee, tea, yeast and chocolate. You should also be careful of milk and dairy products, as they can cause damage to their digestive system.
So go cook and prepare some treats or delicious meals for your pet, to make this special day an international celebration for all pets!

November 1 is also World Vegan Day and  DAy of the Dead

World Pasta Day- October 25

World Pasta Day, celebrated on 25 October each year, is a day that people around the world celebrate the existence of the doughy culinary pleasure molded into funny little ways, which called Pasta.
Pasta is a staple of the Italian cuisine, and the first evidences for it were in communities in Sicily, in 1154.

Pasta is one of the favorite dishes on food consumers worldwide.
There are more than 600 shapes of pasta known to mankind, and their names are descriptions of their forms. Spaghetti ("Cable"), noodles ("little worms"), rotini ( "spirals"), fusili ( "skills"), tortellini ("little cakes"), linguine ("little tongues"), Conchiglie ("envelopes"), fettuccine ("small ribbons"), contact ("spikes") and Capellini ("fine hairs").

  The idea behind the pasta day assigned by World Pasta Congress in 1995, is that if you want to celebrate the pasta day at home, gather all family at the table, eat spaghetti and meatballs and behaved like real Italian, that means speak aloud to one another, Lick your fingers with Kiss movement and Say 'Eccellente!'.

Spaghetti animated gifs
World Pasta Day

Pizza coloring pages

Coloring pages of pizzas, one of the most delicious and beloved foods in the world. Which pizza topping do you like most on your pizza?
To print the coloring page of pizza you would like to color, click on it and then click Ctrl+P.

Baking pizza drawingpizza coloring pagecook drawing

Chef coloring pageWhat Do Unicorns Eat? Sweet & Tasty Coloring Bookpizza coloring page
pizza chef coloring pagepizza baker coloring pagecoloring page of pizza
I love pizza coloring pagepizza with toppingspizza coloring page

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