Eat What You Want Day- May 11

It is known that most delicious foods are unhealthy.
Many people spend their time maintaining their diet, constantly thinking and checking what they are allowed and what they are not allowed to eat. As part of maintaining a healthy diet, many people avoid eating things that they like because they are unhealthy.
Eat What You Want day is a day founded by Thomas Roy, an American TV and filmmaker who co-invented with his wife 80 special days in the US. The purpose of this day is clear, on this special day you are allowed to eat whatever you want without taking into account Anyone.

How to celebrate this day? You're probably already guessing. Just eat what you want.
This is not saying that you are allowed to devour like pigs junk food, cakes and ice creams and then again cake and ice cream and chocolate. Because it's really unhealthy and you'll regret it later. I mean you are allowed to eat something unhealthy but do not overdo it, okay?
What this day does say is that you are allowed to eat things that do not fit together, such as ice cream with pickles, or pasta with chocolate, because today you are allowed to eat whatever you want. This day is also suitable to eat meals that are not impressive gourmet meals, but taste good to you and remind you of childhood like pita with chickpeas and pickles.
What unacceptable and strange foods do you like?

Eat What You Want Day

May 11 is also World Ego Awareness Day

World Ego Awareness Day - May 11

World Ego Day is a day that aims to increase awareness of the ego issue and its impact on everything we do, focus attention and bring a broader understanding of the issue. World Ego Awareness Day is basically dedicated to those who suffer from it on a clinical level, because the ego is a healthy part of the mind when it exists properly, but not when it is overdeveloped.

The Ego Awareness Movement was established in 2018, as a support network for people struggling with ego-related mental states that can cause great suffering, such as anger, prejudice, inferiority complexes, feelings of superiority, addictions, stress-related violence, racism, sexism and more.

We are usually angry and dislike people with excessive egos, accusing them of selfishness and moving away from them, but extreme egotism is a mental disorder whose sufferers are not to blame for suffering from it.

An overly selfish mind is an unhealthy mind and it creates problems in relationships and empathy towards others. Those who struggle with the ego are more likely to feel loneliness and despair.

The causes of the development of the disorder are unknown, but the hypotheses are that they are a combination of neurobiological, genetic, psychological and environmental factors. The reasons for the development of the ego can stem from severe emotional abuse in childhood, from negative parenting experiences or childhood exposure to parental violence and learning antisocial behaviors from parents or friends.

How to attend World Ego Awareness Day?

We all know someone who we would say has an overly inflated ego, and although we all have a very good idea of ​​what an “ego” is, we seem to lack the understanding of how harmful this phenomenon can be. Global Ego Awareness Day is our opportunity to take time for self-observation and explore our egos and our experiences with those around us to understand how much of our ego takes up space in our lives and how much it causes us to get into conflicts with others.

You can publish on this day articles and information on the subject, which can help others. Egoism is a trait that can cause us to hurt those around us by trying to control our unbalanced ego, as well as trying to manage our reactions to displaying other people's egos. While not everyone suffers from egoism, it is likely to appear on one level or another in everyone.

World Ego Awareness Day

May 11 is also Eat What You Want Day

World Lupus Day - May 10

World Lupus Day is celebrated every year on May 10th. Today's goal is to raise awareness of a disease that little is known about, but for those who suffer from it, it has a devastating effect on him and his family.

Lupus is a chronic disease that causes the immune system to become overactive, creating antibodies that attack the body's healthy tissues. Lupus can cause pain, inflammation and damage to any part of the body and can be fatal. There is currently no known cure for the disease and about five million people suffer from lupus disease worldwide.
Lupus Day was first celebrated in 2004. It was founded by organizations aiming to fight lupus from thirteen countries, calling on governments to increase funding for research, provide better treatment services, increase epidemiological data and raise disease awareness.

Lupus Day is associated with the color purple, and people can show their support by wearing purple clothes or buying special purple ribbons with the caption "Help us solve the cruel mystery." One of the supporters of World Lupus Day and the ambassadors of the disease-fighting organization, is Julian Lennon, the son of John Lennon, whose girlfriend Lucy Wooden (who inspired the Beatles song "Lucy in the sky with diamonds") died as a result of the disease. sourceWorld Lupus day

May 10 is also Stay Up All Night Night

Stay Up All Night Night- 10th May

On 10th May we celebrate the Stay up all night night. It means that we are not going to sleep all night. 
Some people staying up all night to do their job, like medical professionals, officers and soldiers.
In the United States, an estimated 26% of the population works nights. 
Stay Up All Night Night was created to help those of use who don’t have to stay up all night to do our jobs understand how much effort actually goes into that.

Good night gifs and glitters

May 10 is also World Lupus Day

Europe Day - May 9

Europe Day is the day in which most European countries celebrate the unification of the continent, announced by Robert Schumann, French Foreign Minister in 1950.
Europeans began celebrating this day in 1985, when they set the EU flag.
EU flag

In honor of Europe Day, get some fascinating and interesting facts about the continent:

Europe - Technically, Europe is not a continent because it is not separated from Asia. Greece is the one that decided that Europe would be a continent in itself.

France - The most popular place in Europe is Disneyland (Eurodisney), Paris.

England - Only 1% of the items preserved in the British Museum are actually on display.

Italy - Italians do not drink cappuccino after 11 am.

Germany / Turkey - There are more shawarma restaurants in Berlin than in Istanbul.

Spain - The Church of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, has been under construction for over 130 years and construction is expected to be completed by 2026.

France / Italy - The tallest toilet in Europe is located on Mount Mont Blanc, at an altitude of more than 4,200 meters (13780 Feet)!

Belgium has the most crowded railway network in the world (113.8 km / 1,000 km2).

Bosnia and Herzegovina has one of the last rainforests in Europe. His name is Perućica.

Bulgaria is the oldest country in Europe and it has not changed its name since 681 AD.

Greece - 40% of the population of Greece is in its capital city Athens.

There are no mosquitoes in Iceland at all. Not even one.

Russia has more than 13,000 uninhabited villages and they occupy 40% of the continent of Europe.

Italy - The Tower of Pisa took 200 years to build because of its inclination. He still continues to tilt himself.

Austria / France - The truth is that the croissant was invented in Austria, not France.

Greenland is the largest island in the world.

England - The escalators on the London Underground surround the circumference of the earth twice a week throughout their journey.

Belgium - The place where the most chocolate is sold in the world is the airport in Brussels.

Sweden - Sweden has the largest number of McDonald's branches relative to the number of people.

Scotland - Thanks to the Loch Ness monster, Scotland brings in 7 million euros a year from tourism.

Spain - Half an hour is the time it takes to get from Spain to Africa by ferry.

United Kingdom - The name of the longest city in Europe is Lanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch and it is located in Wales.

Liechtenstein is such a small country in Europe. In her last military involvement in 1866 she sent 80 soldiers who returned with 81. Apparently they had attached a friend to Italy.

The medieval period in Europe lasted twice as long as the United States existed.

Lost Sock Memorial Day- May 9th

Lost sock Memorial Day occurrs on May 9 (notice the date odd, right?) Every year. 
This day is dedicated to all the socks that were lost along the way, between the laundry basket and the washing machine and the clothes line or dryer. Individual socks always remain their spouse absent. Many people fail to address the problem of the disappearance of socks and stay with half-pairs, with few socks with broken heart who have lost their spouse. 
 There are several possible solutions, such as buy all the time the same pair of socks, wash in a mesh basket only socks, sort the washing to only socks, hang the stockings of the few on a special rack or store all the lonely socks in a box and occasionally to launch an exciting reunion of seperated Socks. 

You can also find a few uses for socks that left alone like:

  • As a sack of coins 
  • As a fabric packs for hair clips or pieces of cotton wool, etc. 
  • Churning cheese 
  • Socks for dog or cat (it's actually nice to have four different socks!) 
  • As a Pet toy 
  • Fill them and use them to make a pillow for needles and pins 
  • Make sleeping pads for dolls 
  • Make hands puppets

A matching socks website

May 9 is also Europe day

Donkey Day - May 8

World Donkey Day is a day in honor of one of the animals with the longest history of human use in the equine family.
The domesticated donkey has been used by humans in many ways throughout history, as far back as 7,000 years ago, in carrying heavy loads in difficult and challenging areas and in any climate, even the most demanding. It was also used for carrying people, without any regard for the weight it carries on its back because of the high endurance it has and in various arduous agricultural jobs.

The donkey is mistakenly attributed two wrong traits: stubbornness and stupidity. Studies have found that this stigma is incorrect.
The reason for their stubborn standing in place is their intelligence and sensitivity to danger. The donkeys are able to think independently and make decisions in their favor, so when they feel something is wrong they stop and start digging with their heels in the ground. Donkeys also have an excellent memory. They are able to remember people and donkeys they knew from 25 years ago.
The word "donkey" is used as an insulting and disparaging phrase and there are phrases that use the word donkey to describe something inappropriate like "Like a donkey carrying books" to describe someone who stores knowledge but is not smart enough to use it, "donkey", "ass" or "dumbass" to say someone is particularly stupid or silly. After all the service that the donkey gives to humans during his life, is this the treatment he deserves?

The donkey is a social animal. They desperately need the company of other donkeys. A donkey that is not in the company of other donkeys will experience depression and may even die from it. A company of other mammals will also help the donkey overcome the feeling of loneliness.
When donkeys live in a herd, they tend to nurture and clean themselves.

The sound that the donkey makes is called bray. The male donkey is called a jack and a female is called a jenny or jennet. The donkey's offspring is called a foal.
Mule is a descendant of a donkey and a mare. The mule is a very strong animal, more so than the donkey and is a barren animal that is unable to give birth to offspring.
The lifespan of the donkey is between twenty and fifty years. The donkey eats plants and its digestive system is able to break down even plants that are not edible to humans. They are able to utilize 95% of the food they eat because they originally live in desert areas where there is not much vegetation available. They also take advantage of the moisture in the plants they eat to maintain the amount of water in their bodies.

How to celebrate World Donkey Day?
The best way to celebrate World Donkey Day is to learn about the donkeys and get to know them, and to teach other people about them, and let them know how wrong the stigmas are. Another great way is to help charities that rescue donkeys from abuse and neglect and give them a better life.

National Barrier Awareness Day - May 7

In 1986, on May 7, Ronald Reagan announced National Barrier Awareness Day.
This day is designed to raise awareness of the barriers and obstacles suffered by some 36 million Americans with various disabilities.

Eighty percent of Americans experience some disability in their lives. These can be permanent or temporary disabilities. Society must, according to the manifesto written by Reagan, understand and appreciate the barriers and obstacles they have to deal with and how important it is to help them, because even the disabled can overcome and contribute to our society.
Many disabled people face financial, cultural, and physical barriers due to a public lack of understanding of their needs. We need to be more aware of the barriers that prevent or hinder so many citizens from fully participating in our social life, and how much they could have contributed if these obstacles had been removed ...

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