Showing posts with label special days. Show all posts
Showing posts with label special days. Show all posts

Repeat Day- June 3

Repeat Day, Repeat Day, is the day to do, is the day to do things again and again, things again and again, again and again, again and again.   
On June 3, we celebrate the repeat day. 

Repeated things in our life. The repeat of actions contribute us to the feeling of framework, control and order. We get up in the morning, get dressed, brush teeth, drink coffee, get stuck in traffic, and so on. 
Everything repeats itself and everything familiar and sometimes something come to break the routine, but overall it also gives us confidence. 
How to celebrate the Repeat Day? Do something you already did. Look again a movie you liked, go again somewhere you love and you were in. Eat again food that you like. In short, you do again something you already did. 
You can also watch the movie "Groundhog Day", which is the 1993 film in which the main character is stuck in a time warp that makes him get up every day to the morning of yesterday.   

Have a good day! Have a good day!
 June 3 is also World Bicycle Day

The Italian Republic Day- June 2

June 2 is Italy's Republic Day (Festa della Repubblica), a national holiday observed in commemoration of the institutional referendum held as a general poll in 1946, following the end of World War 2. 
On that day the Italian people were called to decide upon the form of government to be established following the defeat of the Fascist regime. The poll resulted in the overthrow of the Fascist party and the termination of the monarchy in favor of a democratic republic. King Umberto II and all other male members of the Savoy royal family were sent to exile. They and their descendants were forbidden by law to set foot on Italian soil.

Italy animated gifs

This prohibition was lifted only in 2002. Republic Day is commemorated in Italy by a grand military parade and a spectacular aerial demonstration. The parade sets out from the center of Rome, in the presence of the president of the Italian Republic, the prime minister and other notaries.
Parades are also conducted in other cities and towns throughout Italy.  
If you don't happen to be in Italy on Republic Day, you can express empathy by feasting on Italian dishes such as pizza or pasta, watching Italian cinema such as movies by Federico Fellini, listening to Italian tunes and lyrics, etc.

Go Barefoot Day – June 1

June 1 is the day to shed off your shoes and walk barefoot on the grass.

No matter where you are, at work, on a picnic, anywhere, just kick off the footgear. It's time to clean the closet and give away with shoes that you don't need. 

More importantly, it's a custom this day to donate a pair of shoes to charity, for the unfortunate who can't afford to buy a pair of their own. 

The organization behind this special day is Soles4Souls, a nonprofit global social enterprise that initiated the Go Barefoot Day in the wake of the Tsunami disaster in the Indian Ocean on December 26, 2004. More than a million and a half people were left unsheltered, deprived of all their belongings, homes, clothes and shoes, everything. 

The Go Barefoot Day was proclaimed in 2005. 

Since then, donations of shoes keep flowing in, and so far over 26 million pairs of shoes have been handed out to the needy all over the globe.

World No Tobacco Day- 31st May

World No Tobacco Day is observed around the world  on May 31 every year.

15 billion cigarettes are smoked worldwide every day.

The goal of this day is to encourage smoking people to make a 24-hour period of abstinence from all forms of tobacco consumption around the world.

Another goal is to draw attention to the negative health effects, which currently lead to nearly 6 million deaths each year worldwide, including 600,000 of which are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke. Exposure to Secondhand smoke causes nearly 50,000 deaths each year in the U.S. alone.

A single cigarette contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer.

Did you know that smoking causes 1 in every 5 deaths in the U.S. every year?

The No Tobacco Day was created in 1987 by member states of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Experts say that every cigarette you smoke reduces your expected life span by 11 minutes.

What sad is that even we all know about smoking demages, every day, nearly 4000 teens only in the U.S. smoke their first cigarette while 1,000 start smoking on a daily basis.


 May 31 is also World Parrot Day

Canary Islands Day - 30 May

Canary Islands Day (in Spanish: Día de las Canarias) is a public holiday in the Canary Islands, an autonomous community belonging to Spain, which falls on May 30 each year. 
This event celebrates the culture of the islands and people, and also marks the anniversary of the first meeting of the Parliament in the Canary Islands on May 30, 1983.   
The Canary Islands are a group of seven inhabited islands that form an archipelago (also called the Canary Archipelago) in the Atlantic Ocean, near the southwestern coast of Morocco.

In the past, the islanders were the Guanchians who made their living from fishing, picking fruit, farming and raising sheep. 
In 1402 the Spanish conquest began, and ships began to arrive in search of slaves and treasures. The Guanchians resisted the Spanish conquest, which lasted about 100 years and ended in 1496, when the natives surrendered and were annexed to the kingdom of Cecilia (Spain).
The conquest of the Canary Islands was characterized by the enslavement of the islanders, the destruction of their culture and the domination of Christianity. The inhabitants of the original islands had to assimilate into the Christian population or be killed. The islands were an excellent strategic place for traders to go to India, Africa and America, which brought prosperity to many of those who survived the occupation.
On August 10, 1982, the islands were granted the status of an autonomous community.

Canary Islands Flag
Some elements of the original cultures have survived to this day. One interesting element is Silvu, a language in which instead of talking - whistling. Today the language is almost extinct and can be heard in a few places in the islands, for example on the island of La Gomera. 
Today's Canary Islands live mainly from tourism. The islands are full of sunny and exotic beaches, and spectacular views. There are many volcanoes on the islands, some of which are active, nature reserves of needle forests and subtropical forests, the shores of dunes and streams.

Copyright: tonobalaguer / 123RF Stock Photo  A beach on Lanserote Island
The islands that make up the Canary archipelago are: La Palma, Tenerife, Lanserote, El Aero, Gran Canaria, La Gomera, Puertaventura. 
The largest island is Tenerife, which covers 2,059 square kilometers and has about 908,000 inhabitants.

A street in Santa Cruz on the island of La Palma, Copyright: tonobalaguer / 123RF Stock Photo

Amnesty International Day - May 28

"To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity."
~ Nelson Mandela
Human rights have been a hot topic in local and international politics since the 1960s. Whether people fought for the right to marry the person they choose or put an end to injustices like child labor, exploitation of the weak, torture of prisoners and more. Amnesty International is an organization that tries to make the world a better place. The organization works to promote human rights around the world and raise awareness of various injustices and how our choices affect other people on a daily basis.

The history of Amnesty International Day
Amnesty International was established in July 1961 in London. Peter Benenson, an English labor lawyer, was inspired to set up the organization after hearing about two Portuguese students imprisoned for seven years after "raising a glass in honor of freedom". Together with Eric Baker, a member of the Religious Society of Friends, and many other intellectuals, including academics, writers, and lawyers, they wrote an article called "The Forgotten Prisoners" that appeared in The Observer on May 28, 1961. This led to a rapidly growing appeal. To an organization that will work to change the world and show that everyone is entitled to a system of basic human rights.

The tireless efforts of this organization have since been central to exposing human rights and labor violations to change government policies regarding their protection. Their work was not always popular, and its members were accused of everything from espionage (Russia's 80s) and protection of the criminal element (Moroccan government).
How to Celebrate Amnesty International Day
The best way to celebrate Amnesty International Day is to help raise awareness among your friends and family about the struggles of the oppressed around the world. The place to start is to learn for yourself about the places in the world where human freedoms are at the highest risk. You can also contribute to the organization and even join it.

The logo of Amnesty International.
May 28 is also Hamburger Day

Rapture Party Day - May 21

In recent decades there have been predictions that on May 21, 2011, the end of the world will come.
This prediction is the work of a man named Harold Camping, a Christian radio broadcaster, who said that on that date Jesus would return to the world and then be taken to heaven in the form of "ecstasy", with fireballs, sulfur and other plagues landing on the earth. Until October 21, 2011, the day the world will be finally eliminated.

Well, May 21, 2011 came and brought with it neither Jesus nor the end of the world, but in the US there are those who celebrate this date today ecstasy in parties of happiness and joy accompanied by enthusiasm and dancing to this day. The parties are called in English "Rapture Parties".
Harold Camping passed away in December 2013. His prediction did not come true to our delight, but at least he gave some people a new reason to party.

Scooter Day - May 19

May 19 is Scooter Day. The scooter day was announced in 2015 by the American company Micro Kickboard, which distributes scooters, kickboards and other innovative means of transportation.
The scooter is a  is a human-powered street vehicle with a handlebar, deck, and wheels propelled by a rider pushing off the ground. The scooter day was announced in 2015 by the American company Micro Kickboard, which distributes scooters, kickboards and other innovative means of transportation.
The scooter is a vehicle built from a narrow surface parallel to the ground, with two wheels and a steering handlebar attached to the front wheel.
In congested cities around the world, where parking is very difficult to find, scooters are a popular solution to the transportation problem.
To ride a scooter you have to stand on it with one foot and push it with the other foot, while holding the handlebars.
A scooter with 3 wheels and two surfaces is called a Wiggle Scooter and to ride it you have to stand with both feet on both surfaces, hold the handlebars, push with one foot and lift it to the surface. To move the wiggle scooter one has to move the legs to the right or left side.
There are also motorized scooters that run on electricity or fuel.

Who Invented the Scooter?
It is not known who invented the first scooter, but it is known that it has been used since about 100 years ago in urban areas in Europe and the United States. The first scooters were handmade, homemade, usually as play items designed for children to roam the street. At the end of the twentieth century, companies began to manufacture scooters industrially and sell them.
Scooter Day is the day of celebration for small vehicles on both wheels.
So in honor of Scooter Day, ride your scooter with pleasure and caution!

Copyright: Cathy Yeulet

Museum Day- May 18

Museum Day is a day where you should soak up culture and art and visit any museum, no matter which one.

This day has been declared by the International Council of Museums as a day dedicated entirely to museums, on May 18 each year.

Each year, the council dedicates a particular theme to Museum Day, and many museums around the world hold special days on the subject. More than 30,000 museums around the world participate in Museum Day, a day founded in 1977.

what is today - Museum Day

World Lupus Day - May 10

World Lupus Day is celebrated every year on May 10th. Today's goal is to raise awareness of a disease that little is known about, but for those who suffer from it, it has a devastating effect on him and his family.

Lupus is a chronic disease that causes the immune system to become overactive, creating antibodies that attack the body's healthy tissues. Lupus can cause pain, inflammation and damage to any part of the body and can be fatal. There is currently no known cure for the disease and about five million people suffer from lupus disease worldwide.
Lupus Day was first celebrated in 2004. It was founded by organizations aiming to fight lupus from thirteen countries, calling on governments to increase funding for research, provide better treatment services, increase epidemiological data and raise disease awareness.

Lupus Day is associated with the color purple, and people can show their support by wearing purple clothes or buying special purple ribbons with the caption "Help us solve the cruel mystery." One of the supporters of World Lupus Day and the ambassadors of the disease-fighting organization, is Julian Lennon, the son of John Lennon, whose girlfriend Lucy Wooden (who inspired the Beatles song "Lucy in the sky with diamonds") died as a result of the disease. sourceWorld Lupus day

May 10 is also Stay Up All Night Night

Lost Sock Memorial Day- May 9th

Lost sock Memorial Day occurrs on May 9 (notice the date odd, right?) Every year. 
This day is dedicated to all the socks that were lost along the way, between the laundry basket and the washing machine and the clothes line or dryer. Individual socks always remain their spouse absent. Many people fail to address the problem of the disappearance of socks and stay with half-pairs, with few socks with broken heart who have lost their spouse. 
 There are several possible solutions, such as buy all the time the same pair of socks, wash in a mesh basket only socks, sort the washing to only socks, hang the stockings of the few on a special rack or store all the lonely socks in a box and occasionally to launch an exciting reunion of seperated Socks. 

You can also find a few uses for socks that left alone like:

  • As a sack of coins 
  • As a fabric packs for hair clips or pieces of cotton wool, etc. 
  • Churning cheese 
  • Socks for dog or cat (it's actually nice to have four different socks!) 
  • As a Pet toy 
  • Fill them and use them to make a pillow for needles and pins 
  • Make sleeping pads for dolls 
  • Make hands puppets

A matching socks website

May 9 is also Europe day

No Diet Day- May 6

May 6 is a day devoted to raising awareness of the dangers of unbalanced diet.
An unbalanced diet designed to lose weight quickly, or a diet based on too few calories, or the failure to eat some essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, can cause the body irreversible damage.


The No Diet Day was initiated by Mary Evans Young from England, a woman who recovered from anorexia, and has been celebrated since 1992. This day is actually designed to encourage us to accept our body as it is, without making harmful diets, even if we have a few extra pounds. On this day we should stop and think if the low calorie diets we do do not harm us or endanger us, and whether we get all the food, minerals and vitamins we need on our daily menu.
The No Diet day is marked by feminist groups in several countries around the world, including the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, Israel, Denmark and Brazil.


The goals of the No Diet Day are:  
To stimulate the discussion of whether there is only one "correct" body shape.  
Raise awareness of discrimination against high-weight people, and fat phobia.  
Declare a free day from diets and obsessions related to body weight.  
Present the facts about the diet industry, emphasizing the inefficiency of commercial diets.  
Respect the victims of eating disorders and weight loss analyzes. 
How will we celebrate this day?
First of all, we will celebrate and love our body as it is.
We will listen to our body and eat according to the signs of hunger and satiety it sends us.
We will do a soul-searching about what we do to our bodies when we do diets as a meal.
We'll think about the future, how we want our body to be in a few years. Do we want to be healthy as adults or sick and weak?
We'll learn a little about why diets do not work.
We will eat tasty and nutritious food that we love and will not regret it.
While eating, we will chew well and concentrate on the taste of the food.
While eating, we will do nothing else.
Avoid talking about diets, weight and fat.
We'll do something physical that we really like.
Start loving your body on May 6th, say good-bye to the harmful diets and you know what, go on like this all your life, because your body is beautiful how it is!


Spanish Language Day- April 23

April 23 is the day of the Spanish language. Spanish (or Castellano) is a language belonging to the Roman language group, which has developed from the Latin language.
Spanish Language Day was celebrated for the first time in October 12, as part of Spanish Heritage Month. The date was later changed to April 23 to pay homage to Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. De Cervantes died on April 22, 1616, but according to the custom of the time his death was recorded on the day of his funeral, April 23, so that date was chosen as the day commemorating his death.

Spanish is the most spoken Romanian language (the other Romanian languages ​​are Italian, Portuguese, French, and Romanian).

570 million people speak Spanish around the world, making it the third language spoken in the world after Chinese Mandarin and English. 470 million people speak Spanish as their mother tongue, and it is the second most spoken mother tongue in the world.

The countries that speak Spanish are: Uruguay, El Salvador, Ecuador, Argentina, United States, Bolivia, Belize, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Philippines, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Venezuela, Mexico, Nicaragua, Spain, Puerto Rico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru , Chile, Cuba, Colombia, Costa Rica.

Spanish is one of the official languages of the United Nations.

In honor of the Spanish Day, get some interesting facts about it:

Spanish was influenced by the Arabic language. The Arab armies began to conquer the Iberian peninsula in 711, bringing with them the art, architecture and Arabic language to the region. Arabic gradually mixed with ancient Spanish, which became the language spoken today. When Spain expelled the Arabs in 1492, the language retained some 8,000 Arabic words. Apart from Latin, Arabic is the largest donor to Spanish. Many words in Spanish come from the Arabic language like: alfombra (carpet), la almendra (almonds) and almohada (pillow).

The Spanish language is poetic and has long sentences. When translating from English to Spanish, text is expected to expand by 15-25%. The reason for this expansion lies in the fact that the Spanish is more detailed, poetic and expressive.

When Colgate wanted to advertise in Spanish-speaking countries, it encountered an obstacle because the word Colgate sounds like "Cuelgue" which means "hang yourself."

In written Spanish, at the beginning of each question you have to write an inverse question mark (¿).

If you want to drink in the Spanish-speaking countries Coca-Cola, you'd better ask for Coca, because the word "cola" in Spanish means "buttocks."

When the Spanish-speaking gold and countries explorers arrived in the North American continent, they marked the place on the map as "aca nada" (here there is nothing). This is how Canada accepted her name according to one of the hypotheses.

The series "Dora the Explorer" was originally intended to teach American children Spanish.

In the Spanish version of SpongeBob, the names of all the characters are translated into Spanish in a way that resembles telenovela a little - Bob Esponja (SpongeBob), Patricio Estrella (Patrick Star), Calamardo Tentáculos (Squidward Tentacles), Arenita Mejillas (Sandy Cheeks), Don Cangrejo (Mr. Krabs), Perlita (Mr. Krabs' daughter Perla). And only Gary remained Gary. Another little thing: if you try to translate the names fully in Google translate, you will get the names of the characters and not the literal translation of the words.

Hallmark Vida Spanish Greeting Card

Want to learn Spanish? You can do this for free through the Duolingo application, which is used for language learning. The app is supported by donations from companies like Google, but also receives donations from a private individual who has decided to take them as a project: Ashton Kutcher.

April 23 is also World Book Day and English Language Day

Weed Appreciation Day - March 28th

Weed Appreciation Day is celebrated on March 28 every year. This day is designed to learn how herbs are actually beneficial to us and our ecosystem. We usually treat weeds as a nuisance, something that needs to be weeded and eradicated, but weeds also have a lot of value. The herbs have been used by humans as food and herbs for most of the documented history.

Many herbs have healing properties and have great nutritional value:
Nettle - Nettle can be found almost anywhere where weeds grow, even on your lawn. Nettle has prickly hairs at the bottom of the leaf that contain acids, which causes a strong burn if touched with exposed skin, so it is recommended to pick it with gloves. Nettle is rich in iron and therefore good to eat in cases of anemia, hair loss, skin and muscle problems. It also has a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The nettle leaves are cooked, for example in nettle soup or a vegetable omelet with nettles.
Mallow - The mallow is also known as "Malva". You can pick it and eat it fresh and you can also put it in stews, omelets and pastries. It is rich in antioxidants and soluble fiber and good for digestive, respiratory and urinary diseases.

Rosemary - Rosemary can also be found in many public or private gardens, a free and wild plant. The medicinal rosemary is an evergreen perennial shrub with blue flowers. It is resistant to harsh conditions of climate and air pollution. It also contains antioxidants and antiseptic properties and is believed to help in cases of fatigue, headaches, migraines, vascular problems and more.
Oxalis- Who among us did not like to eat Oxalis when we were a child? The Oxalis also grow on the side of the road almost everywhere. It is fun to eat their fresh stems which are sour, but care should be taken not to eat too much, because their sour taste comes from the oxalic acid they contain, which in large quantities is harmful to the digestive system. 

March 28 is also Black Forest Cake Day

Whiskey Day- March 27

The whiskey drink has a very long history, dating back to the 15th century at least.

The name of the alcoholic drink comes from the Celtic languages, which are called "whiskey come" (uisge beatha in Irish or uisge baugh Scottish Gaelic): "water of life" (in Latin: Aqua Vitae).

Whiskey is the result of the process of distillation of various types of grains after they have undergone the process of lentil (drying the seeds of the grain after sprouting in high heat). The distilled liquid is aged in oak barrels.

Whiskey is one of the drinks with the highest alcohol content - most whiskey brands have 40 percent alcohol.

The whiskey is drunk in a special glass - a lowball cup with ice cubes.

Why celebrate International Whiskey Day on March 27?

International Whiskey Day was celebrated for the first time in 2009 at the Scotch Festival in North Holland, after it was announced in 2008. the day was founded in honor of Michael Jackson. No, not Michael Jackson R.I.P, the king of pop, but Michael Jackson, another famous English writer and journalist known for his love for whiskey, whose purpose was not only to raise awareness of whiskey and its charms but also to spread awareness of Parkinson's disease Jackson suffered in his late years. Michael Jackson died in 2007.  

How to celebrate International Whiskey Day?

You can celebrate with a small glass of whiskey, if you are allowed to legally. It is possible to donate to Parkinson's patients and to study the disease.

Whiskey in the jar, a traditional Irish song originating in the mountains of southern Ireland in the 1950s, by many artists (such as the Dubliners, Metelica, etc.) tells of a man who was betrayed by his wife and asks to take comfort in whiskey on tap.

March 27 is also World Theatre Day

Make Up Your Own Holiday Day - March 26

March 26 is Make up your own holiday day. It's your day to think of something you want to invent for a holiday. It can be a person, an animal, an expression, a food or whatever comes to mind that you want to create its own holiday.

This informal day is meant to honor all the special, creative, weird, funny or meaningful days that people have invented in the past, present and will invent in the future.


The condition is to check only that the day you want to celebrate does not already exist. In the US the holiday is called the National Make up Your Day Holiday.

Special days and holidays can be formal or informal. Official days are days that are usually approved by the government. You get days off, businesses close, studies do not take place, etc. Official holidays can be religious, such as Christmas, Yom Kippur, Eid al-Fitr, Diwali and more. There are also secular holidays that are official like Independence Day or State Constitution Day.

Special days of the year that are unofficial are days that people or organizations have initiated, to hold some theme. They can be serious days like awareness days for social, environmental or health issues, days of appreciation for different professionals, food days or inventions designed to promote sales of various products. There are also silly and funny days that are just meant to make you happy and entertaining.


How to celebrate your own invention holiday?

The best way to celebrate this day is to invent your own holiday. If you want to make it an official day, you will have to get it passed in government by law to make it a national day.


March 26 is also Spinach Day and Purple Day

Pecan Day - March 25

Pecan Day is a special day founded in the United States, commemorating March 25, 1775, the day then-US President George Washington planted a pecan seedling he received from Thomas Jefferson at Mount Vernon.

Pecans are a nut that grows on a deciduous fruit tree, originating in Northeastern North America - from the states of Iowa, Indiana, Texas and Mississippi.
The pecan tree can also be found in Israel, in the fields and courtyards of houses.
Pecans are sometimes called "the nut of America" ​​and in the US pecans are a traditional dish.
Like its other nut companions, pecans are very healthy and rich in nutritional values. It is slightly richer in fat than other nuts, but it has protein, thiamine, vitamin B6, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.

How to celebrate Pecan Day?
You can pick pecans and eat straight from the tree - crush, peel and eat. You can add peeled pecans to a salad, pasta sauce, ice cream. You can eat pecan cake.
There are lots of things you can add the delicious pecans to. Happy Pecan Day!
March 25 is also Waffle Day

Waffle Day- March 25

International Waffle Day was designed to celebrate the invention of the waffle. The source of the holiday is in Sweden where they celebrate Våffeldagen, "Our Lady's Feast" which took place nine months before Christmas, the Christian feast of the gospel of the birth of Jesus. Because the name of the holiday sounds like the word "Waffle day", they also celebrate the day they were baptized by eating wafers. 
It is speculated that the origin of the waffle was in ancient Greece, where they baked two flat cakes on two metal plates. Another hypothesis is that the origin of the waffle was in the Middle Ages, when a knight wearing a dandruff shell accidentally sat on a cake and dipped it in a cross-sectional mark. 

There are all kinds of waffles. There are Belgian waffles that are eaten with ice cream, fruit and whipped cream. There are American waffles eaten for breakfast with butter or syrup. The Japanese waffle is made in the shape of a fish and filled with a sauce. And there are the waffles you buy ready that have a million styles and flavors.

Japanesse waffle (link)

Loacker is an Italian company that manufactures wafers, chocolate and other products whose home enterprise is located in South Tyrol, Italy. It was founded in 1926 as a family company of Alphonse Loecker.

The Belgian Waffle was first exhibited at an international food exhibition in Brussels in 1958. The Belgian version contains yeast. In fact, it was not called a Belgian waffle at all, but Waffle Brussels, or Waffle Liege (depending on the version of the city after which it was called toppled). The Belgian waffle arrived in America when served as dessert with ice cream and strawberry balls at a food exhibition held in Seattle in 1962.

The easiest version of the Belgian waffle, as we know it in Israel, was created after the Belgian waffle was presented at the 1964 World Fair in New York in Flushing Meadows Park. The waffle was also called Bell-and was presented to the buyers by Maurice Wermersch of Brussels, Belgium. It was served with whipped cream and strawberries and sold at the price of a US dollar.

So how do you celebrate the Waffle Day?
What question, eating wafers, no matter what!

March 25 is also Pecan Day

Client’s Day- March 19

International Client’s Day is celebrated every year on March 19, with company owners and executives thanking their customers.
It was first celebrated today in 2010 in Eastern Europe. Business people in Lithuania, Poland and Russia initiated this day to thank customers who are the most important part of any business or organization.
On International Customers' Day, customers receive discounts, special offers and all kinds of gifts. This day is supported by communications companies, banks, shops, government organizations and even educational institutions in Lithuania and Russia. Hopefully this day will come here too and we too can indulge in promotions and gifts.

March 19th is also Caramel Chocolate Day

Freedom Of Information Day- March 16

On March 16, 1751, a man was born who changed the face of the world forever. His name is James Madison and he was the fourth president of the United States and one of the prominent drafters of its constitution.
James was born in Port Conway, Virginia, the eldest brother of 11 brothers and sisters. His parents had a thriving tobacco plantation where he spent his childhood years. After his father's death, he inherited from him the large tobacco plantation, which covered an area of ​​5,000 acres, and became the largest landowner in Orange County, Virginia, and one of the most important citizens of the area.

During the 1780s he joined the politics of the region and worked successfully to establish a committee to draft a constitution for the United States. Madison stood out in his work on this committee, which convened in Philadelphia in 1787, so much so that he was considered by many to be the "father of the Constitution."
The Freedom of Information Act was enacted in the United States in 1966 on the basis of the American Constitution and is one of the important principles of democracy.

 March 16 is also Panda Day and No Selfies Day

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